Oh, yeah that stinks. xD Done. =)
Riku knew that he was right when he said getting out of the Realm was going to be difficult; he had to battle countless Heartless ships and dodge debris floating around in order to get out. But when they finally did cross into the Realm of Light, he didn't hesitate heading toward Earth. It didn't take long, since he warped once they were back in the right Realm, and after parking the Gummi ship in an abandoned port, he found himself running alongside Sora and Roxas to reach the girls in time. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first glance, but they could never be sure.
Yeah, I know. xD That's why I'm always editting my posts. Haha. Btw, do you want to go through the whole gummi ship part, or just jump to when...
Riku started up the ship, already buckled into his seat when Sora took the seat near him. He pressed a few buttons on the control panel, one of his hands already on the steering gear. The last time he had escaped the Realm of Darkness was lucky for him, but now he knew he had to fight his way out. "Be ready for anything. This could get ugly," he warned his two comrades, reaching for the lever that would lift the ship and propel it forward. Roxas wasn't too concerned about how they would get out, just as long as they did. He was already buckled in, so he simply watched Riku get the controls.
So I notice that when our characters in the RP are in a hurry, I tend to type a lot faster. O.o
Riku saw the ship clear as day, and he was sure Roxas and Sora could see it too by the close proximity. He reached it in seconds, running up the ramp and entering the ship immediately. His pace slowed to a jog once he was inside, going around the other chairs to take his seat at the pilot's chair. Getting out of the Realm of Darkness was just as difficult as getting in, so he hoped Sora and Roxas were prepared for a bumpy ride. Roxas glanced behind him, seeing Sora a few steps back before he turned forward and followed Riku into the ship. He could see clearly again once he was inside, the boy taking his seat in one of the chairs behind where Riku was already sitting.
Agreed. xDD
All Roxas could think about as he ran was what kind of danger Namine was in. She had no idea what was going on, and it scared him. The day she had gotten dizzy in front of him... That was Smith. He still couldn't believe it. And she had been that way ever since then? She never said anything... Roxas felt angry at himself for not noticing it and paying attention, but he knew it was no use to beat himself up now. He had to reach Namine before Smith did, or he feared something terrible would happen to her.
Yeah. xDD It's kinda bad, but I don't really care all that much.
Riku heard footsteps behind him and he knew that Sora and Roxas were following him. He glanced over his shoulder anyway, seeing that Roxas was only a few feet behind him while Sora was quickly catching up. He focused forward again, glad that Sora was so fast; in circumstances like this, it was convenient.
So am I. :3 I don't care if I've been sitting here for 8 hours. xD
Riku searched the area with his eyes, his sight perfectly fine in such a dark place. He turned halfway around, spotting the ship a bit away. He nodded in that general direction, the location behind Roxas. "That way. Follow me," Riku said, sending Way to Dawn away and quickly running in that direction. They had to hurry and reach the Realm of Light before Smith did, or it would be bad. Roxas glanced in the direction Riku motioned toward, over his shoulder. He couldn't see more than fifteen feet in front of him, so he knew he would have to stay close. He summoned his blades away just as Riku reached him, the blond turning around and going after the older teen.
EEP! 8D I know!!
Riku's head turned to Roxas, his aqua eyes landing on him instantly. "We need to move. Now," he stated. They needed to get back to the Realm of Light, and fast. Chaos would ensue if they didn't. Roxas felt his grip on his blades loosen a little at the words, the boy nodding once stiffly. Namine was in the Realm of Light, and he needed to get to her. Fast.
Ah well, it was fun. :3
Roxas turned his head to the side, looking at Riku and Sora not too far off. He managed to calm himself down, but not by much. He had been listening to what was going on now, and he wanted to hear what they had come up with. What was Smith talking about before? Riku nodded, a grim expression taking over his features. "He's going to the Realm of Light," he finally announced. What he didn't understand was how that was possible, but there wasn't time to ask questions. "What?" Roxas said in disbelief, anger coming through in his voice. Namine was there! They had to go!
Very true. xD
"...There are only two sides to anything: Light and Dark," Riku declared, his eyes staring at the dark ground. "And there is the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness. We're in the Realm of Darkness..." He tightened his grasp on Way to Dawn at what he figured out, lifting his eyes to look at Sora. The other side. He knew exactly what Smith meant now.
Well so am I, but still... xD
"No!" Roxas raced forward, but the portal disappeared just as he swung at it. But it didn't stop him; he continuously swung at the empty space in frustration. After a few seconds, he simply gripped his blades and lowered his head, trying to calm his rage, even if he didn't think it was possible at the moment. Riku's eyes had been on Roxas, seeing his reactions. Then he felt Sora's gaze on him and turned his head to look at his best friend, easily seeing the questioning look from the distance between them. He then lowered his head in thought. The other side...