Roxas naturally felt his back pockets and sighed. "Ugh. He probably doesn't have his phone either," he acknowledged, his eyes moving to the side. If that was the case, then Roxas would have to wait a few more minutes to make sure Sora got to Kairi's.
I love this RP too much. <3
Roxas pushed himself up, standing up straight as he released one more heavy breath. "Yeah. I'll explain, but first I gotta call Sora," he said, his eyes staying on Namine. She was a sight for sore eyes, that was for sure. He had been so worried.
I don't mind the peer pressure for this. Heehee. ;3
"It was a trap," Roxas said, taking in another breath as he looked up at Namine. He was talking about the Realm of Darkness, but he was sure she would ask further questions. Once he caught his breath, he would answer them.
I'll try, okay? :3
Now that his adrenaline was beginning to wind down, Roxas's injuries became more apparent to him. As he caught his breath he winced at the pain in his shoulder, as well as his side. He looked down at the blood on his arm, knowing he would have to clean that up. Why didn't I use a potion? he mentally scolded himself, gulping in air as he lifted his eyes to Namine. Roxas could calm down a little now, since Namine was safe and sound.
Now, or later?
Roxas lowered his hand when the door opened, a sigh of relief escaping his lips when he saw Namine. "Thank goodness," he breathed, leaning forward and putting his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. She was alright.
I know. I'm sad too. =(
"Namine! You there?" Roxas called from outside the door, knocking urgently again. He hoped she was, but he couldn't hear anything from where he was outside. He didn't know what he would do if Namine was in Smith's hands again.
I doubt it. Dx My parents probably won't let me.
Roxas took a turn at one of the corners, now on Namine's street. The sidewalk was empty of both people and snow, allowing him the freedom to run at a fast pace. He ran for another minute until he saw Namine's house, running across the yard and skipping the porch steps, instead jumping up to the porch and coming to a halt in front of the door. He didn't bother ringing the doorbell, his fist meeting the door instead.
Goodie. :3 But I have to tell you that I'm getting uncomfortable. Dx I'll have to get off soon.
Roxas could only pray that Namine was alright and safe at home as he continued running. If Smith reached her before he did... He didn't even want to think about that. Riku ignored the stares he and Sora received, only proceeding to run after his friend. He wasn't sure where Kairi even lived, so he would just follow his best friend until they arrived.
Okay then.
Roxas watched Sora and Riku turn the corner before he focused ahead, running straight. He crossed the street and reached the other side, continuing toward Namine's house. Riku ran after Sora once they turned the corner, glad that his injuries had lifted and he could run pretty well. If he had been too hurt, this would have proved difficult.
Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner
You wanna quit for a while? =/ =)
Roxas ran at the same pace as Sora and Riku, some of his energy returning to him. He could only pin that on the fact that he was in the Realm of Light again. His injuries didn't hurt as much, though he did neglect to use a potion while off of Earth. His shoulder still hurt, and he glanced down from the road ahead of him to his arm, seeing that there was dried blood that had trickled down from his shoulder. He hoped Namine wouldn't question it, the boy seeing the corner approaching up ahead. Roxas turned his head to glance at Sora and Riku. "I'll check on Namine. I'll call you once I get there," he said in between breaths. Riku glanced at Roxas and nodded, knowing he was going to follow Sora to Kairi's then. He was concerned for how she was, and Namine too, but it was clear Roxas was going to handle that alone.