Nathaniel saw Sora release his weapons, which only proved his suspicions of the boy beginning to lose his grip on life. The dragon kept his tail wrapped around Sora, believing his hold on him was tight enough as he watched him die. Riku gasped slightly in disbelief when he saw Sora's Keyblades fall, watching them hit the ground. He stared at them with wide eyes, expecting to see them fade because Sora was going unconscious. But they didn't...
Whatever you feel is best. Like you said to me earlier, you're the one killing him. ;D
Finally, Nathaniel thought, seeing that the Keyblade master was starting to give up. He was trapped, and there was no way out of this. Only when Sora was dead would he release him, and then the job would be done. Riku watched Sora with concerned eyes, his eyebrows furrowed over them at first. But then his eyes widened when he realized what was happening. Sora was suffocating.
Didn't that move daze Cerberus? Perhaps it could do the same thing here. And maybe Sora could attack one of Nathaniel's eyes so he can't see for...
Nathaniel bared his teeth, seeming to smile in triumph as Sora struggled. Good, just what he liked to see. After what the brunet made him go through not too long ago, he was surely going to die. It was only a matter of time, his tail continuing to tighten and squeeze Sora.
I can picture it...just can't describe it well. xD Okay.
Nathaniel closed his tail more around Sora, tightening his hold on him. It would only be minutes before Sora lost the ability to breathe, and would surely die.
Hey Now - Tantric
I think he ends up being sent into the air, and then he pulls some spin move and crashes back down on Cerberus and striking him in that same head....
Nathaniel kept his tail wound around Sora, lifting the Keyblade wielder close to his face. He stared at the boy with his green dragon eyes, his feeling of triumph obvious in his gaze. Prepare to die, Nathaniel thought silently, slowly starting to tighten his hold on Sora.
My Little Secret - Cavo
Hmm... I don't. =/ But I did just get a small idea. Remember how Sora fought Cerberus in KH2? The reaction commands eventually led to him...
Nathaniel slid his tail around Sora, wrapping it around him as he started to lift him off the ground. Oh, was this boy in for a treat. Nathaniel wondered if Sora was familiar with the way an anaconda killed its prey, considering that was how he was going to die. Riku watched from where he stood, knowing it was too late for Sora to avoid Nathaniel now. His grip on Way to Dawn tightened at the knowledge, able to do nothing but watch his friend from the sidelines.
Awesome!!! 8DD
Nathaniel bared his teeth in a smile, his tail halting. Perhaps things were going to work out well for him. He lifted his tail toward Sora's form, planning to grab the brunet. Riku saw what was happening, having just glanced back to Sora after watching Roxas. His eyes widened and he gasped slightly. Sora, get up, he thought in alarm. If Nathaniel got a hold of him, things couldn't possibly end well.
Let's do it! :3
Nathaniel saw Sora jump over his attack, but he quickly brought his tail back in the opposite direction, whipping it at the boy quickly. If the boy neglected to dodge him, then perhaps things could work in his favor.
xD Yes, I do see. =)
Nathaniel opened his eyes, which immediately were set on Sora. He roared again in anger, sweeping his tail across the floor toward the boy, enough space between them and the other battle to not interfere.
Darker Side of Me - The Veer Union