well thats weird... keep looking, it probably might surprize you how wrong that looks... Imagine a girl with big cleavage *I think thats how you spell it* acts like a cat on the ground... in a cat costume. THAT is what it looks like XD
you could just google "Yugioh Zexal episode 39" and it would probably have a link for you there. it kinda doesnt look THAT perverted now that I rewatched it...but its still perverted how they made that monster react to "wind".......
watch episode 39 of Zexal... Cathy plays a spell after she summons Cat girl Magician... and it just looks wrong what that monster did lol...
it turns out Google images doesnt have "Cat Girl Magician"... I guess you would need to see episode 39 lol they made that monster look like a whore... 4Kids is going to cut out that whole scene most likely XD
Her names Cathy. i dont know if the dubbed inctroduced her yet but, look at "Cat Girl Magician".... Edit: dont look at the anime card...look at the actual monster XD
They have a higher level of respect than..In America. while as for us...In America...the children watching such anime would have less respect than how much respect the Japanese have. I for one have more respect cuz...im AZN D< THERE I SAID IT. lol...
Who thinks this should be changed from "Duel Arena" to "Duel Academy"... we talk more about the game than actually dueling lol... Card rulings...Anime..etc. Cato-Chan's Xyz monster in E. 39. was extremely sexual... but I guess your right about it being Child Freindly >,> @ Jaden wow..I didnt know of Air Neos' effect until now o_O... *thinks of making an Air Neos deck* But wait...im an Anti-hero type -_-...
I blame 4Kids. and how is it child friendly, Yuma gets so many girls...
Yugioh Zexal E. 39. Dogs can duel now... this isnt yugioh anymore.
I dont use it. using that deck shames you as a duelist. unless im just showing someone the brokeness of "SHE"s... Plus, they cant even be completely gone. cuz they can come back as easily as how they were summoned @_@...
if they get destroyed they come back again... you would need to destroy them 2 times to completely kill them, and once that happens, next turn I can equip them FROM THE GRAVE. thats right, it doesnt need to happen from the hand >_>... their effect is technically a costless once per turn monster reborn that also destroys and SS's more monsters from the deck when sent to the grave. I know they can be stopped but...this is probably the only deck that has 0 weakness to any deck in the world. the only weakness they have are 1 card weaknesses that they can easily destroy or negate.
Majestic goes back to the deck at your end phase...no point in trying... unless you mean destroy a "SHE" by battle LOL... you think its that easy? I can summon one and makes its atk go up to 7200 in 2 turns... you think you can pull off such a miracle before that time? 1. they has a trap card that makes them untargetable 1 time, and also increases Atk and Def of the "SHE" by 500. 2. theres an equip that also increases atk by 1000 and you cant activate anything once the equiped monster attacks... 3. an equip that lets you search another "SHE" when sent to the grave... they have an Xyz that SS one of your monsters from your grave and equips it onto itself and it gains half its atk... their effects are on them and on the cards you have in your hand so you can equip 2 cards on 1 "SHE" per turn...
infact we should all be fearing the day they will be released in the TCG... it would be the end of every other deck and the beginning of the "SHE"... Example: if you summon Dragonfly with hornet in the grave, you can equip hornet, send hornet to the grave, destroy 1 card on the field, SS Centipede, equip hornet, Destroy 1 card on the field again, get another dragonfly to your hand, double summon, summon dragonfly, equip hornet, destroy 1 card on the field, SS another centipede, equip hornet, destroy yet another card on the field, and get another dragon fly... and you repeat that after your opponents next turn. they also have equip cards that increase their attack by 800-1000 atk and change their original atk to 2400, or def to 2600. and if you destroy an "SHE", with Mantis or Weevil equiped, that guy can SS another "SHE" from the grave... and it will continue on and on until all your cards are destroyed....you technically cant do a thing about it.... cuz even Stardust cant stop them @_@ I can easily summon a 200 atk "SHE" and make it go up to 3400+ atk in 1 turn...
it has something to do with Beowulf...that Joke... but seriously, if you duel me now, I can show you how broken they are.
*gasp* how dare you! do you even know how rude that is?!
For now they are so evil we must not speak of their names... we must only know them as "SHE"... cuz they are just sooo evil, it would be offensive just saying it.
Fred, Terra beat my Inzektors... @ Jaden Watch out for Inzektors coming out this year... they are the most broken cards in the universe. Note: Inzektors are just dumb lol...
*comes back to see what Fred said* this game is indeed confusing o.o...
I want to confirm something... if a card says "X-Saber", does it work on "XX-Saber" monsters? I said they dont lol... just confirming if this is true or not.
indeed. beyblades are also possessed and make people have supernatural powers. they're made of metal and were said to have come from falling meteors that hit the earth (with such metal found in those meteors.) those things actually cut my hand....... and I warn you...dont try to pick one up while spinning o_o it will most likely hurt xD