we barely duel here anymore, we just talk about card rulings. and custom cards. Edit: if you want to duel, theres always DN. Edit: Oh, we also talk about Anime.
Droid4: He is here, and yet hes not! such a ninja.
all the more reason we need him back here! AT ONCE!
im pretty much the new Kaito now... and im still Primo.
they combined all 3 series into 1. Galaxy eyes is both Red eyes and Blue eyes combined. as Galaxy eyes has both Red and blue colors as well as dark purple coloring. and since Purple=Red+Blue, it makes sense. Kaito wears black clothing when he doesnt duel, resembling Red Eyes BLACK dragon. his outfit changes to a white color when he starts to duel, Resembling Blue Eyes WHITE dragon. Yuma's Key thing as Yugi's millenium item (cant spell! lol) astral seems to live inside it and there seems to be a puzzle involved in that space ship thing... and also to restor Astral's memories just like the first series with Yami Yugi. Kotori = Tea, that big guy he hangs out with =...hard to explain but...Joey. Dr. Faker=Pegasus! shark seems to be a bakura at some extent...(might be wrong on this.) they are in the future. (5Ds.) Yuma goes to school. (GX.) this time, Numbers seem to be the millenium items rather than actual items. I just realized that big guy whos name escapes me...might be = Triston and Shark might be = Joey... yeah shard is definitely the new Joey. he was the one who crushed the key Yuma has... Edit: Oh and Kaito's D-Gazer also makes his left eye Red. he has blue eyes naturaly.
Respect Kaito! Btw, that "sister" your talking about is actually a boy. He meant Jaden. *cough* *cough*....
*cries* *holds onto Droid* DONT LEAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! DONT GOOOOOOOOOO this arena is DEAD without you!!!!!!!!
since your a loved member of this arena, and since your not active here anymore... ill be cyberstalking you >:D! all the more reason to have kaiba return in yugioh Zexal. AND LOOKING EXACTLY THE SAME AS HE WAS IN SERIES 1!!!
Legasp! we be playmates? want to duel on DN, Terra? :3
I grew up living in ancient history as I was rejected in the time i was in back then... I wouldnt know what "Tap that ass" means... they didnt have that back then.
to tap. Taping a pencil. taping your fingers. Tap dancing.
is it strange that I can watch any part of the body with a straight face? even the internal organs?
I never felt the desire to do that. in fact I dont even have that many feelings left in me...
everyone should do that XD its just so amusing lol... even when your typing it yourself...it just seems amusing xD anyways... if your talking about Redtube, I'd rather not go there. what is this "tap" which you are refering to?
dude...4Kids edited Kotori's skirt cuz it was too short...now it looks like part of an umbrella is connected to her cloths... you think they wouldnt edit Cat Girl Magicians perverted scene out?
Cat girl magician: ooo, wind~ *blushes* *rolles around on the ground and does weird poses* Nya~ Nya~ that just looks and sounds wrong the first time you watch it...~^
Beowulf reference to the most evil thing in existance. @ Jaden Dont be so hard on yourself.. you remind me of me sometimes o_O except instead of self destructing, I make it look like a joke lol... and besides, if people give me enough proof that they are indeed all the same, that will give me enough reason to destroy the world. (again...cuz i kinda stopped thinking about that after I realized not all humans are the same.) I might be forgetting to reply to something else...hmm.... Oh yes, Cat Girl Magician looks more wrong the first time you see it... if you rewatch it more it wont be as perverted as the first time you see it. (or maybe thats just me...)
and its a good thing I didnt make it official with the ban hammer gif. *goes back to watching Cat Girl Magician act like a...you know what i mean once you see it.*
@ Jaden I ban hammer you for discarding a non-dragon type monster that isnt even level 8 with Trade-in. Edit: and i missread that card with something else! *facepalm* and I need glasses lol!
I ban hammer you for discarding a non-dragon type monster that isnt even level 8 with trade-in.