I'd like to duel you on DN o.o; and what do you mean? Raven is light attribute...consecrated light would die... unless you mean Raven's effect.
what do you mean? raven is the troll card?
I summon Raven, discard 6 cards. Raven goes up to 3700 atk. or attack with Raven @ your consecrated light and you take 1300 damage then summon 5 2000+ atk beatsticks and blow up Jaden's field.
you would be screwed if I draw a non-dark~
dont think Jaden uses that >_>...
you beat Rienzel's dark world..but can you beat MY dark world? hmm?
Dont worry, if Jaden cant do it...and I cant do it... ill just say, "you got lucky!" cuz I wont think ANY synchro can get past...My Meklord Emperors!
Posting just to be on page 169!!
yeah and what about sirius? -.- the boss you fight AFTER the dad comes home.. they never explained THAT!
if they make something even more broken than Inzektors... GG.
how do you friend someone.. you think they gonna make megaman starforce 4? -_- been waiting...
I believe Terra has found his deck... and man is it stupidly annoying... it almost makes me want to add those support cards I was planning to put in but never had a reason to -_-''
No we do not.
Fred, you and aqua duel. Fabled vs his 60 card deck.
pfft, its not like you DONT lose >,> everyone loses...just less if your using your main deck.
you were there...i was using Scraplord emperors. you got beaten as well..using Genex.
INDEED, INDEED!! but the fact that you beat both me and Fred once using a deck of 60 cards vs 40 card decks... as outragious as it seems, Tis true what we say.
indeed. if you put your heart into it, it becomes a lot stronger than a normal E-HERO deck, and probably cant be used by anyone but yourself. I can copy Fred's deck and have an exact copy of it...but cant use it like he does... in fact I dont even think I could draw the same as he does, using the same exact deck he uses. (Fabled.) if you trust your deck, your deck tends to trust you...and thus gets better draws.
can it be that your mentor is probably... maybe... "WRONG"? lol... or maybe you believe thats not possible.
what about just change it to "once per turn during your main phase, you can draw up to 5 cards"? would probably be balanced then... Edit: oops! meant to say "draw until you have 5 cards in your hand."