Dark Armed Dragon. /INB4JADEN!
well, Jaden DOES get aggressive when we have different opinions. I think that has gotten better now though. I think what I should have said was "He may be going through Adolesence".
Not to be disrespectful but this seems like hes going through..... A Hormonal Change. dont know if that makes sense, but... yeah......
they don't sound that bad to me... though i would have recommended DaD for Aqua instead of Rainbow dark... they look like perfectly normal conversations. I also noticed, if Aqua didn't edit his posts, repeatedly reminded you that he isn't going against what you were saying.
dont worry about it xD I dont remember about those things unless you mention it...but still wont actually care since its in the past... Btw, was i supposed to read all the pages of all the 3 links you gave me? cuz it seems kind of...a lot of reading.
Now now Jaden... Calm down... theres no need to react so seriously when I also stated that I don't really know whats going on. Quote: "At least thats what I think is going on..."
*Sigh* If you don't explain things completely, of course people will say otherwise. Just saying a simple "yes" or "no" with little to no example/explaination on what your trying to say... it really doesnt convince people that your right... at least thats what I think is going on. This problem has gone on for long enough, ok? I think its been a year now... To be honest, theres not really much sign of this happening to you... its probably just you. unless...*starts reading your VM's* Edit: I have returned with absolutely no relevent information that you were being told wrong >,> I advise you not to take things too seriously, believe in yourself a little more, and most importantly, be more positive about yourself. you seem really depressed to me...
I thought you were refering to Me and Jaden when you said "They'll". Edit: Oh, read it a second time lol now i know what you were talking about.
I already stated that im not arguing with him though...
*Glares* you dare call me stubborn?! well I am xD I honestly dont care about this conversation. (yeah...im not actually arguing about this) I understand completely what hes going through. its just sad that he says it like hes never going to duel ever again... like he has no future for dueling anymore. Exactly. not only is the game about luck, some of those cards are based on coin flipping, and rolling a dice. its not like its JUST strategy. its having fun trying to figure out how to make a deck good that gives you a sense of achievment. that is why competitive is for losers and stubborn people with no originality. there is more to a game than winning, but to competitive players it seems...like everything >,> I dont know what his "Mentor" said to him that made him this way... but it just gets more and more suspicious how he only calls him by his title; "Mentor"... thinking that this "Mentor" person is all knowing about this game and whatnot... someone should go and beat the shiz out of that guy...for making Jaden think this way. Also, he could just quit for a while and come back when Inzektors get either banned or limited...its not like its gonna stay like this forever. its just that its a new series of Yugioh and all...and the new type of card (Xyz) are just coming into the game. maybe they're doing what they did with 5Ds cards and make things even more broken. "speeding up the game". (quoted from, I think, Jaden.)
In the words of my guild mates... "Your mouth is flawed." sorry, just bored and feeling random today is all... Anyways, Yugioh isn't the only thing thats flawed Jaden... many things are flawed.. we shouldn't complain about those flaws if Konami is doing their best to... actually they aren't... Inzektors being made and all...Konami looks like a giant Trollface now... I know 4Kids is flawed at anime dubbing...and yet you dont complain about it. so you shouldn't complain about the game being flawed.
Remember theres no such thing as good or evil. it depends on how you look at things that make things "Good" or "Evil" in other words...they're just opinions. in your statement, Luck is good to the game. in Jaden's statement, it is not.
Luck, period...? I have to say, I never had trouble with that because I dont pay attention to it when I duel... I just have fun xD
1. there will always be weaknesses to any deck. 2. that is why they duel in matches not single duels, so that its best 2 out of 3 instead of just 1 lucky move. 3. I do agree on you though...Inzektors make it more and more a threat to this world...and must be stopped. fortunetly, he who uses Inzektors for a main deck or even just uses it a lot SHAMES themselves as a duelist. I think Inzektors are as looked down apon as Exodia decks... Also, Verz Coppelial is a troll. I think it can even stop Sophia for a turn... Machine type. Effect: Cannot be special summoned. when this card is removed from the field by your opponent, gain control of one of your opponents monsters until your next end phase.
*shakes Jaden* we already went through this... I was just getting used to Inzektors when I lost to Ojamas! ASLO! winning is half the point of playing the game. in fact...winning is just a fraction of the entire thing! it is art. if you only focus on 1 thing you will never notice the rest and thus cannot enjoy it to the fullest.
why did you put my quote in there? I remember it being a few posts back... im surprized that had anything to do with today. nor does it have any connection with the current posts... Like what Nickname posted >,> how did that have any connection with the decks Nickname has?... im also surprized that you looked back at all those posts...just to find mine..
No. theres a story in Duel Terminal. apparently the Verz have infected all monsters in that world and is slowly corrupting everything... Then came The Sacred Star Knights which were made to defeat the Verz. Sophia destroys the world. having both Light (Sacred Star Knights.) and Darkness (Verz.) its an interesting card... anyone notice that the 2 orbs in its hands are eyes? Edit: hmm...now that i look at it, only one loom like an eye...
it was awesome. "I fuse together all four worlds! The world of rituals, synchros, fusions, and xyz!" "come forth! The Creator, Sophia!" *Trollface*
And so, Sophia owned Exodia. not so forbidden now, are you? *trollface*
how do you stall for linx if Magic planter is either dead in your hand or you have to have Fiendish chain to sacrafice. if you use Magic Planter on skill drain, it would just be -1000 for just 2 cards... and you also lose skill drain. and if you activate skill drain and I negate magic planter...well... Worm Linx wont even do anything! The whole idea of burn decks is to do massive damage on your turn...(mainly on the first turn of the duel.) OR on your opponents draw phase. either that or standby.