Then let's begin, the duel of death! -Draw Phase- Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- I'll set a monster. That's it, for now. -End Phase- Hand: 5 Field:
...Err, don't worry about it then. I'll be using that Scar-Red Nova deck.
WHOA. SLOW DOWN THERE BUDDY. WE DON'T NEED YOU TO GET BURNING SOUL WITH THOSE E-HEROES OR ANYTHNING. ...Speaking of Burning Soul: LP: 12000 Customs: No. Anime Exclusives: No. Video Game Exclusives: Noooooo. God Cards: Noooooo. Hand Refill: Noooo. First Player: Me. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None. 12000 Life Points, so we can have a good duel. If you'll duel.
Switching back? Good. I didn't really want you see you hax and otk everyone with Honests, JDs, Wulfs, etc. Btw, does anyone want to duel me?
...Why can't I ever survive a OTK here? Seriously. I'm up for a duel. Again. LP: 8000 Customs: No. Anime Exclusives: If you want. Video Game Exclusives: Noooooo. God Cards: Noooooo. Hand Refill: Noooo. First Player: Me. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None.
Tch, no. No chains.
Ah, I see. Well, thanks. Again.
What episode did that show up in? Sweet indeed! I'll have to throw this down against Joey when I get the chance.
Nah, keep going.
Excellent. Let's begin then! -Draw Phase- Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- I Summon Fabled Raven! And I use it's effect and discard... to increase his Level to 3! Further, Goldd's effect activates to revive itself from the Graveyard! Next, I activate One For One! By sending Level Eater from my hand to the Graveyard... I can Special Summon Tuningware from my deck! I use it's effect make it a Level 2 monster in a Synchro Summon! I'm tuning my Level 5 Goldd and my Level 2 Tuningware to my Level 3 Fabled Raven! 5 + 2 + 3 = 10 "When the Door to Asgard opens, the Ancient War God will raise up his Magical Hammer! The very earth itself will shake as he appears from a roar of thunder! Synchro Summon! Descend, Polar God Thor!" Because of Tuningware, I draw an extra card. I set 2 cards and end my turn. -End Phase- Hand: 1 Field: God, I already love my deck.
Ah, okay. That makes sense. LP: 8000 Customs: No. Anime Exclusives: If you want. Video Game Exclusives: Noooooo. God Cards: Noooooo. Hand Refill: Noooo. First Player: Me. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None. Do you agree to these terms, Mr. Wheeler?
Tell me your reasons please. And why is it that no one ever wants to duel me?
Shien isn't broken enough to be banned. Anyway, I'm a little surprised someone here is using Six Sams. A friend of mine uses them and I got destroyed by them. Regardless, it was a pretty fun duel. ...Also, if anyone else is open for a duel, I'll accept. If not, I'll just go find my requirements somewhere. EDIT:
...I really should return. I'll pop up, eventually. Pretty good. Just lurking around different places.
Eh, I'm lurking around, but yeah. I'm still here. Long time no see indeed. How've ya been?
Sure, as long as I don't get a crazy combo again. xD
Thanks buddy, again.
I could be a third person, if they wanted. Also, I'm back. With an awesome Thor deck. Yay. LP: 8000 Customs: None. Anime Exclusives: None. Video Game Exclusives: None. God Cards: No. Hand Refill: No. First Player: Meeeeee. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None.
...Oddly enough, that picture scares me. OH BUGGAH. Right. Because Yugimanz is suppose to be nothing but srs buznezz. ...Did you just figure this out? Butterfly Dagger should've been banned here to begin with. And I'm still waiting for a duel damn it. I just wanna spam Scar-Red Nova.
HIT HIS WEAK POINT. Just use My Body as a Shield next time. Dark Bribe isn't overpowered to begin with. MIRROR FORCE DOES NOT TARGET. REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF MONSTERS YOU HAVE. Please actually look up the Rulings, Haou. Inferno Wing is dead.