Excellent. I'll be using QuickdrawFlamvellPolarGodEvolution (ridiculous name) Let's gooooo! - -Draw Phase- Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- By discarding Flamvell Magician: I Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron! Then, I summon Flamvell Poun! Now, I'm tuning my Level 1 Flamvell Poun to my Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron~ *Insert random awesome music* "Clustering power will turn into a spear that pierces the earth! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Break it apart, Drill Warrior!" Now, I activate his effect. I discard Flamvell Baby to remove him from play until my next Standby Phase and I'll get a monster back during that time. I set a card and I'll end it there. -End Phase- Hand: 1 Field:
Sora's story. Sure, Riku got the character development he deserved, but that was, what, every three floors/hallways? Everything else just happens to be in the way. I feel like they at least could've gave the bosses actual reasons to fight instead of just going "OH, HEY. IT'S A DUDE. LET'S KILL HIM.". Sora's story actually went into the Organization more(which is an automatic plus in my book), went into Namine's exist, and other things explained in the other games. Sora just had a more detailed story in my opinion. Riku just felt rushed for the hallway events and when it could've been much more.
Interesting... animation.
I am. Are you? :D You do need to message me every now and again.
Wait, there was a hacker? Didn't think too many people would miss me. xD I'm back for a bit, again. Good to talk to you again.
I've returned, hopefully for some time.
Homecoming Duel? LP: 8000 Customs: None. Anime Exclusives: Yes. Also, adding to, the Anime Versions for some cards used in the anime can be used in this duel. If we're allowed. Video Game Exclusives: None. God Cards: If the Polar Gods in the Anime count, then yes. Otherwise, keep the others out. Hand Refill: No. First Player: Me. Number of Cards per Deck: 40. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None. Been a while. You guys made quite the progress while I was gone too, I see.
You: 14000 Me: 3200 STOP LAUGHING! MY SOUL DOES NOT LIKE LAUGHTER! IT MOCKS HIM! ARRRRGH. GO. PSYCHIC CLOWN TUNER THING. And then I return my last card in my hand to the top of my deck to revive FREAKY ZOMBIE THING! I DO BELIEVE YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO CHAIN, MY BOY. I am double tuning my Level 8 Red Dragon Archfiend to my Level 2 Krebons and my Level 2 Plaguespreader Zombie! The King and The Devil, here and now, shall become as one. A Raging Spirit! Lift up the very cries of Creation itself! Synchro Summon! Come Forth, Scar-Red Nova Dragon! I have Krebons and Psychic Commander in my Graveyard, giving him 1000 more ATK! Giving him 4500 BIG ONES! -Battle Phase- Sukāreddo Nova Doragon! Attack Erementaru Hīrō Fureimu Winguman! BAURNIN SAOUL! You: 11600 LP -End Phase- TURN ENDO. Field: Hand: 0 Field: Scar-Red Nova Dragon (Feeling a little funny today. So I added some comedy to my move)
-Main Phase 1- Pot Of Greeeeeeed! Hand: 3 GO. MONSTER REBORN. REVIVE MY VERY SOUL! Chainz?
YAAAAAAAARGH! Me: 3200 You: 12000 DARN IT! -Draw Phase- Hand: 2 -Standby Phase- Anything to activate?
Zagi always aims to cut it off. If you pay close attention, he'll always try to hit Yuri from behind in battles.
Everyone knows that they're badass. No one can deny it. Zagi is just jealous.
I probably should, but I don't have anything.
Good riddance indeed. No chains, for now.
ARRRRGH. I set two cards. Turn endo. -End Phase- Hand: 1 Field: Monsters: Red Dragon Archfiend
Since Cyber Dragon was Special Summoned, I can still Normal Summon. Come, Psychic Commander! I'm tuning my Level 5 Cyber Dragon to my Level 3 Psychic Commander! The ruler's heartbeats will now file through here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! Synchro Summon! My very soul, Red Dragon Archfiend! Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Bladedge! ABSOLUTE POWAH FAAAAAAAWRCE (Chain?)
...Well that completely ruined my awesome combo. Urgh. I Special Summon Cyber Dragon. Chain?
Oh trust me Jaden, it was all the setup I needed. You destroyed Plaguespreader Zombie. Due to piercing damage, I lose 3900 Life Points. You: 12000 Me: 8900 Now, then. It's my turn! -Draw Phase- Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- Go, Heavy Storm! Shall you chain?