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  1. Zeonark
    It was overkill, but Konami is ran by idiots, so I'm actually not surprised anymore.

    That evil 'Nyeh'ing...

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  2. Zeonark
  3. Zeonark
    Pot Of Greed was banned because it was a staple and a costless +1. Seeing as everyone would use it though, I'm wondering why it isn't at least limited.

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  4. Zeonark
    That's against the rules, isn't it?
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  5. Zeonark
    Did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?

    Um... stuff for Draw Power/Hand Advantage, really.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Zeonark
    Guess I need to stop being such a wuss and just use 'em, huh?

    It isn't?
    ...I might just use FabledDarkWorld, since that is my favorite deck.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  7. Zeonark
    A rematch would be appreciated, since I was really having fun there.
    Guess I need start using the cards we have access to... I'm used to the current irl banlist, which is why I never really pulled any combos with Mirage Of Nightmare or other stuff like you do. xD

    Before I duel you again, Jay, I wanna test my skills against someone else.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  8. Zeonark
    I don't know why I keep dueling Jaden.
    I get blasted down to 0 at the last minute when I have this totally genius move prepared.

    LP: 8000
    Customs: None
    Anime Exclusives: Anime Polar Gods
    Video Game Exclusives: None
    God Cards: None
    Hand Refill: None
    First Player: Me, again.
    Number of Cards per Deck: 40
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None

    Btw, nice to meet you, Blair.

    Thanks Joey. I appreciate it.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  9. Zeonark
  10. Zeonark
    Argh... he keeps throwing out his hand and regaining advantage...

    I set two cards.

    -End Phase-

    Red Daemons destroys Road Warrior and Bolt Hedgehog via it's effect.

    Hand: 0

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  11. Zeonark
    Ah, okay. It's alright, we all make mistakes, buddy.
    (No one say anything about my constant shifting between Yusei on a D-Wheel and Yusei on the ground. I'm using what I can here.)

    Now then... I activate Pot Of Greed from my hand:

    To draw 2 cards!
    Hand: 2

    I activate Road Warrior's effect to Special Summon a Level 2 or lower monster from my deck!
    I choose a second Bolt Hedgehog!


    Also, does anyone have a bigger Yusei gallery? This one is kinda... limited.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  12. Zeonark
    This is a great Homecoming Duel.

    I don't think you've made any mistakes, buddy.
    EDIT: Wait, where did Skyscraper come from? Did I miss that?

    I need a miracle here...

    -Draw Phase-

    Hand: 1

    -Standby Phase-

    There's not much I can do... for now...
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  13. Zeonark
  14. Zeonark
    Yes! Trap activate!

    A second Waboku!
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  15. Zeonark
    Nope. Continue.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  16. Zeonark
    Profile Post

    Thanks, buddy.

    Thanks, buddy.
    Profile Post by Zeonark for Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Oct 11, 2010
  17. Zeonark
    @Jaden: ...Where?

    Wise move. Feh.

    Road Warrior's effect will Special Summon a Level 2 or lower Warrior-Type or Machine-Type monster from my deck. I choose:

    Then, by reducing Road Warrior's Level to 7, I revive Level Eater.

    Now let's use my Level 5 Drill Warrior and my Level 1 Level Eater plus my Level 2 X-Saber for a Synchro Summon. Again.

    Screw the chants.
    Red Dragon Archfiend!

    -Battle Phase-

    Both of my monsters attack Great Tornado, who isn't destroyed and you take no damage due to Waboku.

    -Main Phase 2-

    With nothing else left, I set a card and end my turn.

    -End Phase-
    Hand: 0

    Field: (Had to get the pics from Amazon. >_>)
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Zeonark
    Drill Warrior's ATK becomes 1200.
    Time for a new plan.

    I discard Level Eater:

    For the cost of Quickdraw Synchron's Effect:

    Now I used Level Eater's effect to Special Summon itself from the Graveyard and reduce Drill Warrior's Level by 1, making it five.

    Now I'm tuning my Level 1 Level Eater and my Level 2 Bolt Hedgehog to my Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron.

    Screw the chants.

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. Zeonark
    Profile Post

    I joined as Placido.

    I joined as Placido.
    Profile Post by Zeonark for Odamadillo, Oct 11, 2010
  20. Zeonark