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  1. Zeonark
    Damn Provisions...

    But now, you have no defenses other than your Morphing Jar!


    I activate Miracle Synchro Fusion!

    Removing from play a Stardust Dragon and the other Junk Destroyer in my Graveyard!

    Appear now! Surging Dragon Knight Dragoequites!

    Further, I activate Monster Reborn to revive Fleur de Chevalier!
    "Fleur Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
    Once during your turn, if your opponent activates a Spell or Trap Card, you can negate its activation and destroy that card.

    -Battle Phase-

    Go! Now!

    Junk Destroyer! Attack Morphing Jar!

    Destroy Knuckle!

    Keep it moving, Fleur de Chevalier!

    Floral Lance!

    Finally! Dragoequites!

    Spiral Javelin!

    -Main Phase 2-

    I set two cards and end my turn.

    -End Phase-
    Hand: 1


    ...This is probably one of the longest duels I've had in awhile.
    At least I finally got a hit in.
    I think. Tell me if I got something wrong here.

    Also, I wasn't keeping track of the LP Counter until now. Sorry. ><

    Jaden: 5100? LP
    Yusei: 8000 LP
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  2. Zeonark
    I could've sworn I had put the image up there. o_O

    Sorry about that, Jaden. Fixed it.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. Zeonark
    FINAL- er, I mean, okay.

    Further, I activate Inferno Reckless Summon in response to Tuningware's summoning! Reviving the other two from the Graveyard!

    Then, I use both of the revived Tuningwares' effects to increase their Levels to 2 during the Synchro Summon!
    3 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 8

    Let's go!

    Junk Destroyer Number 2!

    Now, I draw 3 cards and destroy your facedown card, Skyscraper, and Great Tornado with Tidal Energy!

    Hand: 5

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  4. Zeonark
    Y'know, I might just give up in a couple of seconds...

    ALL of those Flamvells and whatnot get dropped from my deck to the Graveyard. Lovely.

    Let's try summoning Junk Synchron:

    And using his effect to revive a Tuningware:

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  5. Zeonark
    Words cannot describe how much I hate Super Polymerization, Absolute Zero, and Great Tornado at this moment.

    Damn it! I'm angry now!

    I activate another Rekindling!


    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Zeonark
    @Blair: ... Ignore me, I'm an idiot. ><


    -Draw Phase-
    This is getting ridiculous...

    Hand: 5

    -Standby Phase-

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  7. Zeonark

    Correct me if I'm wrong here, but:

    Wulf: 2800 ATK
    King Dragun: 2400 ATK
    400 Damage

    8000 - 400 = 7600 LP

    Celestia: 3100 ATK
    REDRUM: 2800 ATK
    300 Damage

    7600 - 300 = 7300 LP

    Mind you, these equations weren't really needed. I was just bored and felt like helping out.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  8. Zeonark

    Also, triple chain!


    Giving me more draws!

    Hand: 4

    I'm not entirely sure if I can do this, but I think I can activate Accumulated Fortune for the Fourth Chain Link. Trunade is the first, then Absolute End, then Jar Of Greed, then Chain Link Four - Fortune.
    Again, I'm not sure. Tell me if I'm wrong.

    Also, Jaden, if you need some sleep for a fresher mind, feel free to get some.

    I did?
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  9. Zeonark
    Ah... okay, that makes sense.
    Do you want me to edit the post with their effects written under them?

    Also, no chains.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  10. Zeonark
    Didn't think my joke would've been that funny. xD

    I activate Road Warrior's effect, Special Summoning Fleur Synchron from my deck!
    (I was too lazy to convert the card to English, so I linked to it. If I need to change it, I will. And I did not steal this from Sherry, I swear.)
    If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for a Synchro Monster and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower monster from your hand.

    Now, I activate De-Synchro!

    Returning Road Warrior to my Extra Deck and Special Summoning the 3 Tuningwares and Quickdraw Synchron from the grave!

    Now, I activate the effect of one of them, making one a Level 2 monster. Then, I tune one Tuningware and a Level 2 Tuningware to Quickdraw Synchron!
    5 + 2 + 1 = 8
    Clustering fighting souls will awaken the raging wicked God! Become the path its light shines upon!
    Synchro Summon!

    Obliterate, Junk Destroyer!

    Junk Destroyer's monster effect will destroy Great Tornado and then I'll draw 2 cards for the Tuningwares!
    Tidal Energy!

    Hand: 5

    Keep going!

    Further, I summon another Bolt Hedgehog!

    Now, I'm tuning both of my Level 2 Bolt Hedgehogs and my last Tuningware, whose Level shall now be treated as 2, to my Level 2 Fleur Synchron!
    2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8

    My body that's faster than the speed of light, the time for Revolution has come! Bring victory into my hands!
    Synchro Summon!

    Shine, Fleur de Chevalier! (Again, I was lazy here.)
    "Fleur Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
    Once during your turn, if your opponent activates a Spell or Trap Card, you can negate its activation and destroy that card.

    The last Tuningware will give me another card.
    Hand: 5

    Next, I activate Graceful Charity!

    Drawing 3 cards and discarding:

    Hand: 5

    Geez. Didn't think I could go this far. o_O

    I activate Rekindling:

    Reviving Flamvell Grunika, Magician, and Baby!

    And now, I'm tuning my level 4 Grunika to my Level 4 Magician! To properly Synchro Summon another Stardust Dragon!

    Now to end this freakin' turn already...

    I activate the effect of both Bolt Hedgehogs in my Graveyard since I control Flamvell Baby!

    Yeah, yeah. You know what's next. I'm tuning both Hedgehogs to the Baby.
    Come here, Catastor.

    NOW I set three cards and end my turn...

    -End Phase-
    Hand: 1


    One should not Synchro Summon this many times at once... Go ahead, Jay. And tell me if I cheated or did something wrong, please.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  11. Zeonark
    Damn it, Jaden! Stop stealin' my Dragon! D<

    -Main Phase 1-

    I activate Giant Trunade!

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  12. Zeonark
    Damn, this again.
    Alright, my turn.

    -Draw Phase-
    Hand: 6

    -Standby Phase-

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  13. Zeonark
    Whoa whoa whoa.
    Just because Spiritualism can't be negated because mean I can't still chain.
    Which I do with Waboku, because I'm going to be extremely careful and feel like you're about to Special Summon something.

    The cards I was forced to discard were:
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  14. Zeonark
    I guess that makes sense...
    God, I just wish they hadn't restricted the Polar Gods to certain Tuners though. ._.

    Yes! I chain! Trap, activate!


    Negating Heavy Storm and Special Summoning Stardust Dragon from my Extra Deck!

    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  15. Zeonark
    It's pretty much the same what they should've did with the Polar Gods. Keep them the same and just Limit them.

    No chains.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  16. Zeonark
  17. Zeonark
    The only reason I think Thor shouldn't be Honestable is because Thor is already the best Polar God in the TCG. Him being Honestable might make Konami slap him somewhere on the Banlist. The last thing we need is for Konami to Limit/Semi-Limit something they nerfed already.

    Really, Konami needs to stop being lazy and expand on DIVINE already. They did it in the Anime with all of the Support cards. Doing it irl shouldn't be a problem.

    Enough of my rambling though, let's duel.

    -Draw Phase-
    Hand: 6

    -Standby Phase-

    -Main Phase 1-
    By discarding Flamvell Baby:

    I can Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron from my hand!

    Then, I Normal Summon Tuningware:

    And then activate Machine Duplication to get two more Tuningwares from my deck!

    Now, I'm tuning all of my Level 1 Tuningwares to my Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron!
    5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 8

    Clustering hopes will evoke a new horizon! Become the path its light shines upon!
    Synchro Summon!
    Dash onward, Road Warrior!


    Due to the effect of the Tuningwares, I draw 3 cards:
    Hand: 5

    Road Warrior's monster effect will Special Summon Bolt Hedgehog from my deck in Defense Position:
    (If someone could tell me where to get Defense Position Images, that'd be grand.)

    I set three cards and end my turn.

    -End Phase-

    Hand: 2

    [​IMG][​IMG] - Defense Position


    Your move, Jaden.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Zeonark
    For Konami, screwing up the impossible is incredibly easy.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. Zeonark
    Odin and Loki's Attributes at least make some sense.
    But Thor as Earth makes none. Isn't he the God of Thunder/Lightning? How does Earth fit with that? ...Then again, if Thor was Honestable, he'd be ridiculous.

    As for the terms:
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  20. Zeonark
    I'll never forgive them for how they nerfed Shooting Star's card negating to Once Per Turn.
    And for how Skiel came out.
    And for how they killed the Polar Gods.

    Especially the Polar Gods.
    Post by: Zeonark, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground