Ah. Okay. I understand since I haven't played irl since... forever. xD There are plenty of new mechanics and watching the anime can help you get used to them. As for cards that can help you, you may wanna include Battle Fader in your deck. It stops direct attacks and immediately ends the Battle Phase, giving you Tribute/Synchro fodder for your next turn.
No offense or anything, but how much of this game do you know how to play?
Ah, okay. Just wanted to make sure. I may join in on this, if I can use the Anime Polar God King Thor. You cannot activate Normal Spell Cards during your opponent's turn.
...So basically, an anime Tag Duel? Since, after reading the rules, that's what it looks like.
---------- I have been DYING to face The Polar Gods! I couldn't resist! ---------- ...Oh. Lol. Well then, I'll try to use them instead of Shooting...
Who is/are the rule moderator(s) again? Surprise Armor Break! *Opponent ragequits because they used Premature Burial to revive their ace monster*
If I ever duel it, I'm running 20: *Gets shot*
...Convos have quotes now? Oh, I have been gone for too long. o_O ---------- What do you mean by that? O.o ---------- Well, I always happen to...
Good duel indeed. I won't let it get me down. I mean, you're pretty much the only person who has actually bothered to duel me other than Joey...
Oh, you. Lol. The drugs known as Children's Card Games on Motorcycles?
Oh god. Now Joey is using Mind Control images. WHEN WILL IT END?
Congratulations everyone. We are now screwed.
Arrrgh... I'll beat you, Jaden. One day. In like, seven lifetimes. xD I'm kinda happy that the duel is over. It was dragging out way too long and I had went all out too many times without protection. Lol. As for another duel, if anyone wants: LP: 8000 Customs: None Anime Exclusives: Anime Polar Gods and Tech Genus Cards Video Game Exclusives: None God Cards: None Hand Refill: None First Player: Me Number of Cards per Deck: 40 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None
Well, I've just about lost here. xD I drew and discarded: With nothing else to use, I'm about done here. -End Phase- Hand: 0 Field: Nothing
The only reason I didn't start using this deck in the first place is because it was incomplete and horribly inconsistent. Now, it's much better. There's not much left I can do... -Draw Phase- Draw! Hand: 1 -Standby Phase- ...Chain?
The only reason I'm better is because I'm playing with my favorite deck, not sucking, and not getting immediately OTK'd. Anyway, I should've used Ring Of Destruction, but I wanna drag this out for the lulz. Also, I would've responded sooner, but I was trying to remember my second set card. >< I'll chain it: *Total Waste Of A Magic Jammer* My head isn't on right at the moment.
Craaaaap. Lemme fix that. Also, yes I chain: Discarding: To negate Harpie's Feather Duster!
Wait, but didn't you use Emergency Provisions before? ...Or am I thinking of our other duel? No chains.
I was aiming for Thor with Rekindling, but you stopped me.