OOC: Yea i'll fight Demyx. I like a challenge. BIC: Varxus entered the arena and saw that his opponent hadn't arrived yet. "Come out, come out wherever you are." he said quietly. Suddenly Hostile Program dropped from the ceiling and attacked Varxus with it's lasers. Varxus dodged them and shot a fireball out of Pyroabyss, it hit Hostile Program and small orbs came out of them. Varxus picked them up and his spear started glowing brighter, Hostile Program then shot out data grenades and one hit Varxus, knocking him down. It then attempted to finish him off with a laser, but Varxus dodged it and hit Hostile Program and more orbs appeared. After picking them up, Pyroabyss then glowed completely white and Varxus shot a data fireball out of the spear. The data fireball hit Hostile Program and it froze, Varxus took this oppurtunity to finish it off with a combo of fireballs and spear swings, it explodes and Varxus stands victorious. "Is that the best they have?" He shouted as he walked out of the arena and sat in the seats. OOC:Can I fight Vayne 3rd form(FFXII) next round? Gotta go now bye
OOC:Is it too late for me to fight in the first round? If so i'll fight Hostile Program, also do I post the fight now or when I get an answer? thanks
Has anyone got the scene that takes place after the Barbossa battle? Preferbly when Jack pulls his gun out and shoots Barbossa. thanks. Edit: I need it in WMV format by the way
Hey people i'm back, how've you all been?
OOC: hey guys i'm back, what've I missed?
Thanks Xigbar, I think it's great.
Ok you're added and we can now start, I won't be active often currently as i've got a few things to do, I don't care who starts.
Well i'm back earlier than what I thought, hey guys. The move went fine iof you're wondering.
We'll start when we get 2 more members, unless you want to start now.
I'll be away for at least a week as i'm moving house, i'll be back and (hopefully) more active than ever. bye
Varxus was behind Vexneah, Nulix and Wing as they approached the Castle. "Is there a traning room here?" he asked "I need to get stronger for future battles."
Varxus woke up inside the Gummi Ship and looked around, his injury was feeling better. He got out of bed and noticed the others walking towards the ship. He walked out towards them. "Hey guys, did you find the map piece?"
Ok you're all added.
Zexion walked over to Xemnas, Roxas, Larxene, Marluxia and Xigbar, whilst reading his Lexicon. "What are you idiots doing?" He asked "I want to see the elephants now!" He shouted at them.
OOC: What's been happening?
OOC: I gotta go now, i might be on later bye.
"Hmm, that's true. I guess we have to look for ourselves." Luxord said, he then sneezed and a flowerpot turned into a dice, he sneezed again and it reverted back to normal.
"Ok, that's ok with me." Varxus told Wing as he walked away.
"Xemnas might know something." Luxord said.