"Why you!" Varxus shouted as he charged at Skinnar, but Skinnar easily knocked him away. "That's.. inhuman power." he said as he got up.
Varxus stood there staring at Rentu Skinnar, spear at the ready. "You work for the Knights don't you?!" He asked him.
Varxus helped Light Mask and Wing with the car heartless. "Heartless, on a nobody ship? This isn't making any sense." He said.
Varxus fought of the Heartless but was outnumbered, most of them attacked Varxus at the same time, he couldn't cope with them all, he teleported behind them before he could be grabbed. Varxus then went fireball crazy and wiped them out. I really need to train. He thought
There there. *Gives CtR slushie.* Better?
OOC: We got the Map Piece from Beast's Castle and made our way to Yen Sid's tower to check if we had the whole thing. We got attacked by the Dreadnought from the 'Assault Of The Dreadnought' gummi level on KH2. We went aboard and got captured by a captain named Rentu Skinnar. Some of us are fighting our way out whilst others are at the Castle.
Well that doesn't happen everyday to tell the truth.
Deep Jungle is the worst KH world in my opinion, it was way too confusing for me, as was Wonderland. I gave up KH for a month as I couldn't find the green door in Halloween Town and don't get me started on Atlantica. I feel better now that's off my chest.
Banned for multi-quoting.
"Heartless, what are they doing here?" Varxus asked as he got his spear out. OOC: See ya DarKnight
Varxus heard the explosion and ran towards Light Mask and Xardius. "Was that you?" He asked them."And when are we getting out of here?"
OOC: Gotta go bye.
"We're not going down without a fight!" Varxus said getting ready for a fight "And why do you command a Dreadnought?" He asked Rentu
"Who are you?" Varxus asked the mysterious man.
Ok.... here I go.... "Only the strongest will survive, lead me to heaven will which I. I have a shadow in the wall, i'll be the one to save us all!" Song - Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin. Well i think that's the lyrics.
"Ok here we go!!!!" Varxus shouted as he followed Nulix and jumped out of the Gummi Ship, landing near the others.
Xemnas turned around and looked out of the window. "A dusk where?" He asked as he turned around and noticed Yuffie was missing. He then teleported to his office and turned on the announcement speaker.(OOC: those things that people use to make announcements in shops, arenas etc.) BIC: "Attention all staff! Attention all staff! A girl named Yuffie has ran out of her classroom! She is a ninja and wears ninja-like clothing! Please send her to my office if found! Repeat! A girl named Yuffie has ran out of her classroom! She is a ninja and wears ninja-like clothing! Please send her to my office if found! That is all!"
"Great now i'm left on my own." Varxus said to himself as he concentrated on the ships on the outside.
Spare me. Zexion thinks to himself
"No these books were free, a shop was, uh, giving them away." Xemnas explained nervously, he then turned to the last page. "Is that supposed to be me?" He then asked