Varxus managed to stand up and walked towards Wing and Kyzar. "What are going to do now? He asked "Xane's still in the forest."
This is my first Rp so it won't be perfect. Rules: No Cussing. * is allowed. No Yaoi or Yuri No Extreme Violence(Amputation etc.) No God-Moding No Killing Other Members Dating Is Allowed, But No Making Out Storyline Organization XIII have opened a school and all sorts of people attend it, including Sora, Riku, Kairi and others from KH and OC's. You get to choose what happens to each character. Characters Only Organization XIII and Xehanort's Heartless can be Staff If you decide to be an Org.XIII character, please say what job(s) you have. Subjects can be anything KH related or a normal subject. Up to 2 characters per person I will be Xemnas, the principal and teacher of technology. Org.XIII Xemnas/Principal,Teacher of technology - Mighty-Matt91(Me) Saix Xigbar/History - ChocoKitten Xaldin Vexen/Science - ChocoKitten Luxord Demyx/Music instructor - Katsquatch Klone #5 Zexion/Librarian - Nymph of Destiny Marluxia/Home Economics - orgXIIIfan Lexaeus/Building - Keyblade49 Larxene/Vice principal and Supply teacher - Naminestwinsister Axel/Janitor and Gym - Overload Roxas Xehanort's Heartless/Substitute Teacher - Seimyx KH Characters Sora - SORA! Riku - Naminesgirl Kairi - lanihead7 Hayner Pence Olette Aqua - Naminesgirl Ven - ShadowofRiku Terra - Jecht Ansem Bald Guy(From Birth By Sleep) FF Characters Cloud Leon Yuffie - Katsquatch Klone #5 Cid Sephiroth - Riku232 Tifa Yuna Rikku Paine Tidus - ShadowofRiku Wakka Selphie Auron Original Characters OC Form Name: Age: Weapon: Power: Personality: Name: Jecht Age:16 Weapon: a black katana Power:aura control Personality: kinda of big headed and really strong he doesnt like to talk about his past Name:Haru Age:13 Weapon:a white and black Broad sword Power:Earth Control Personality:Haru likes to start fight and hes has a very big Ego Name: Kasha Age:Twelve Power: She is able to turn into a cat. Personality: Kind, Stubborn, Caring, Does not expect to be treated special, She is very talkative with the teachers and seems to get a long well, and best, loyal, Quiet Design(Human): She has green eyes that pierce anyone who looks into them, Kasha wears a Red T-Shirt with light blue knee high shorts. She has red shoes with white ankle high socks. Design(Dog): Gender-Female Name-Hougen Breed-Great Dane Age-about two Personality-Strong, Abusive, aggresive Image- Name: Ken Age: 13 Weapon: Sword Power: Light Personality: Sad, Depressed. Name: Revus Age: 16 Weapon: Twin Swords Power: Water Description: Medium sized, wears blue jeans and a white jacket. Has brown hair and blue eyes. Personality: Fun-loving, willing to make friends, enjoys most things, except boring lectures. Name:Noah Age:14 Weapon:Explosion Gloves with a skull on it Power:To make explosions Personality:He likes to cause to cause huge explosions.He has a very short temper and hes very cocky. Name: Emarisa Dark Age: 14 Weapon: heartblades Power: to control hearts but ith the light blades can contol the side of the heart like light or dark Personality: very kind and caring but when in a mood can be realy horrable Name: Serul Age: 17 Weapon: Gunblade Power: Stealth and Invisibility Personality: School Bully, hates Revus and his friends, including Demyx, really aggressive. Timetable 09:30 - Lesson 1 10:30 - Lesson 2 11:30 - First Break 12:00 - Lesson 3 13:00 - Lunch Break 14:30 - Lesson 4 15:30 - Lesson 5 16:30 - End Of Day Monday: Lesson 1 - Technology(Xemnas) Lesson 2 - Music(Demyx) Lesson 3 - Gym(Axel) Lesson 4 - Science(Vexen) Lesson 5 - Home Economics(Marluxia) Tuesday: Lesson 1 - History(Xigbar) Lesson 2 - Home Economics(Marluxia) Lesson 3 - Technology(Xemnas) Lesson 4 - Building(Lexaeus) Lesson 5 - Music(Demyx) Wednesday: Lesson 1 - Building(Lexaeus) Lesson 2 - Gym(Axel) Lesson 3 - Free Lesson Lesson 4 - Science(Vexen) Lesson 5 - Free Lesson Thursday: Lesson 1 - History(Xigbar) Lesson 2 - Free Lesson Lesson 3 - Technology(Xemnas) Lesson 4 - Home Economics(Marluxia) Lesson 5 - Free Lesson Friday: Lesson 1 - Music(Demyx) Lesson 2 - Free Lesson Lesson 3 - Free Lesson Lesson 4 - Science(Vexen) Lesson 5 - Gym(Axel) All the free lessons will change as we get new staff.
Varxus looked up and saw Hack running towards him. "Th..anks.." Varxus said as Hack approached him" find X..ane?" He then asked
Luxord laughed but then sneezed, turning Roxas' Oathkeeper into a card.
"Hi Roxas, where's Zexion gone?"
"We've got to find a cure fast." Luxord said to Zexion.
Varxus walked through the forest searching for Xane until suddenly a Heartless attacked him and knocked Pyroabyss out of his hands. Varxus smiled and suddenly flowers gathered near his hand and Marluxia's Scythe, which Geryl gave him, appeared in his hands. He charged at the Heartless but got hit in the stomach, causing him to fall down in pain, as the Heartless was about to finish Varxus off until he suddenly doged and slashed the Heartless in half. Varxus had a grin on his face but was injured and fell down, he crawled towards a tree and sat against it.
Suddenly Luxord sneezed and the real Zexion returned to normal.
"Ok, just watch yourself incase of an attack." He said as he carried Pyroabyss away with him into the forest.
Luxord sneezed, turning the real Zexion into a card.
"Shall I go look for Xane?" Varxus had asked Bellatrix.
Varxus noticed Bellatrix behind them. "Bell." He said as he walked towards her. "According to Xane there's two knights here, he's gone looking for them."
OOC: I'm Back BIC: Varxus looked around and noticed Xane was missing. "Where's Xane?" he asked.
"I'm fine. Well apart from the fact that everytime I sneeze something turns into a card or dice until I sneeze again." He told Saix