"Well, you got really mad at Richard. He wouldn't leave me alone the entire party. Then he grabbed at me." Emily sighed. "You punched him in the face. And said that he was a bitch for trying to pick me up because he can't get any girls as is. So you two got in a fist fight and he ended up falling into the pool. At least you got him to leave me alone." She was glad he was drunk because if he wasn't, she would most likely be stuck with Richard all that time. "Then you ended up pinning me to the wall and kissing me. I don't really think I did anything actually." She took out a split end from her hair since she didn't feel like brushing it in the morning.
:glomp: :glomp: EDIT: I just saw that top part. You play guitar. Your life does have meaning.
You know I'm your favorite. You don't have to lie to everyone ::L:
Is tired.
Lol, no problem 8D I'm glad you like it :glomp:
; ;
I believe in what I can see as physical truth, so that means, no God. Bl Science is the cold-hard truth. I gotta go with the facts.
Thank you :]
Starving my butt off, but not wanting to eat yet because that means I have to take my medicine @-@ I'm old, and I'm still afraid to swallow cough...
My art :]
Lol, what's up?
It isn't. It's how I get my artwork on the interwebz. :]
Oh snap. well... I'm not copying, I swear xD I love it too. Toothless is so adorable <3
A printer that scans images from an original copy onto a computer.
Trying to make my scanner work, You?
I think Toothless is cute <3
I get bored of one thing and move on xD