Has an afro'd owl as his avatar.
Well now you're all home. *hugs*
Lol, yeah, I've seen 'em all ^^
lol awesome
I have no idea what you're talking about. My username was Nova if that's what you were asking.
You haven't been on MSN ; ; Yep. I'm prem :glomp:
Oh HELL no! People shouldn't have to watch what they say in fear of other people not liking what comes out of our mouths. Whether you're white, or black. There's a line to be drawn on what's respectful, and what's not, yes, but we shouldn't have to be careful about using the words black or white. I mean really. Plus, the controversy was about the word hole anyways. It apparently sounded like whore- you know, whatever! That doesn't even fucken matter. It's their fault for overreacting. Don't turn this on Hallmark. This thread is startin' to piss me off.
At first I thought it was about the member. :/gasp:
Oi! Don't get your panties in a wad. I'd pay GREAT munny ;o
Lol Cin. That's so true about us.
I wouldn't.
So was I ._. It's no excuse. Believe me, I've been there. Don't go down this road.
Wow. I made the same thread... almost 2 years ago ._.
Uhh, ya. I can't wait to see this movie. I love the comic. I'm extremely optimistic about it, although I shouldn't need to be. It looks good :]
FAIL. JK. It's only the greatest. game. ever.
Apples. to. Apples.
Hi new family member! *tackles* *poke* Why don't you talk? B| *shakes* Talk to meeeeeee! ; ;
Has no avatar.
Plays Gaia.