Ooc: Oh, stupid me :sweatdrop: I thought you meant that Leon and his sister are in similar situations.... Bic: Talia was cold and she wished she would of known that she would be longer outside. She had only a miniskirt, shirt and a jacket on. I'm freezing" Talia sighed. She started searching for something from her bag.
Weeeelll..... *goes berserk* WEEEEE!
"What kind of situations?" Talia asked Ooc: Well gotta go! Bye!
"I was late for dinner so my mom didn't let me eat and started giving me a lecture by the phone. I hang up and if I go home I'll just get a bigger lecture. You?"
"Okay..." Talia mumbled and looked down at her feet again
I'll just continue for searching pictures.....
"I was just joking!" Talia said and suddenly felt really stupid
Well I'll just have to use pics XP O.o
"I have a eye for cute boys" Talia joked and winked
Well when I press download there comes a black screen an the play/pause stuff. The screen stays black, but I hear what they're saying.....
"I've seen you around school and some of my friends know some people from your class and i've seen you come out from the same class room that they do..." Talia started babbling again
No...... I don't think so.....
What do you click to watch them?
Talia got up and noticed how much shorter than Leon she was. She had always been the shortest from her class. "I'm Talia. A grade lower than you. I'm always listening my iPod in a corner or doing pranks with my friends"
I cant watch them! I can only hear it.....
Talia was sitting quietly staring at her feet. She looked up for a second and noticed Leon's face. "You're from my school, aren't you?"
Does they work for mac?
Hey! :glomp:
I'm gonna make a new vid..... Do ya know where can I download any FF7 game's cutscenes? Or Advent Children's?