Roxas looked at Vexen. "I'm not that stupid..." he said
"What's the worst thing that could happen?" Lilly asked Ankoku and smirked
'Kay, 'kay!
Fayt-Harwind Sinister RoxaSora2010 Taffy Firefly Friendly_Heartless Jettie Goimez RRMS Hercules Kid Hero Nightdream And some ohter peepz
Sup peepz?
heh.... So, sup?
O....kay.... Well I gotta go! Bye guys!
^.^ Um...? O.o
Okay! *shoots a supermegakillingbomb to Bush's house*
B-but! Bush isn't president anymore!
Saw it saw it :3
Don't worry. It was you who died....
<.< >.> *runs away
<.< >.> Well you cant blame me..... Its 18.38 in Finland....
Best pic I could find XP
*explodes Ollie's school* >:3
People, people! Or.... I'll listen to the voices..... jkjk guys XD
Soooo.... Wut you want me to explode?
:rofl: Hey peez!