nathan.t dude....w have a code vault full of thousands of, no we dont need codes
Lol. :=D: And thanks. if so, its because of you and your video!
That is a good qeustion...that i dont have an answer to. He is an awesome character though...but Demyx is my favorite. "Dance water, Dance!"
no problem. ^_^
Lol...i think we're fine.We got....4 months and...23 days.
Yeah.And tommorow there will be even more people joining. I know this because i invited a buch of Rp whores. lol XDD
Thats good. I cant wait to start th Rp...i hope its good.
XDD so how ar you?
Oh...youll be okay. XD
Lol yup! and you wanted Riku in my Rp right?
Yo. Whats up bro?
..acctully..ive never played any FF game.
Hello..My name is Kirk...and i Rp and stuff....and i...i have a problem.
haha...i was high...on sugar then. lol and not are 100% right. [ :
like 5 more people, but i intived like 7 Rp aholics so most likely we will start 2morro :D
Lol..i always do that. XD...theres nothing to do this Summer. =\ I was going over my friends house but, he had to go to his lil brother's All...
Speaking of which. I have to go. Sorry ] : ttyl
[: Not much. About to go out. You?
Hello. *Waves*