yeah i did.
wait no i didnt...but i got random pictures of random people in here
nope...but i think i just hacked into my computer....and Kh-vids lol..by accident though! >.<
trust me...thats a good choice. my sister made me try the wine.
how old are you now? im 13
okay i extracted it...now what?
lmao.. me too!
extract means delete right?
HOOTERS 4EVA!!!!!XDD lmao. yeah me too.my cousin had vodka for his 21st...and said he was drunk really fast. XD i am so getting that! lol
ohhh...where can you get it
yeah im bored too. im just trying to relax....and get this horrible taste off my tounge....never have wine...NEVER!!!
good!...man...it wont go away! and yeah i have...horrible....jeez, im gonna be a sober dude my whole life....but i am sooo going to a bar on my...
HOLY!! Wine taste horrible!!! never drink it....EVER
lol. yup!
Nope. and cool. i watched some of that...only the english parts i could find on youtube. lol.
Oh i see. wow..in a couple years its gonna look awesomly awesome!
They are all ready really good now. Okay..thank you. Is it hard making videos like that?