...sorry. but i dont know how to send to to the ps2dis.
lol me too! a friend is helping me...im soo confused.
Never!!!!! FREEDOM!!!!! lol..no im not..im trying to open a dump to hack KH1.
im tired...where i am its 10:40...im never this tired at 10:40. >.<
oh okay. and it said "To open this file, Windows needs to know what program created it. Windows can go online and look it up automaticly or, you...
wait will this give my comp. virus's
lol clicky and okay.
okays thank you. ^_^ & cool.
oh wow....lol and im sorry if im being annoying.
oh...ok. where can you find DUMPS ?
whats that mean. lol. XD im stupid.
holy crap a lot of codes....well ok now what?
lol.. :D
oh... and well when i double click the ps2dis0902010608 the folders that are in there are PS1.MAP ps2.map & ps2dis
and yeah i pressed extract
what do you mean zip?
Nice!.........HighFive! *puts hand up*
wait...should i insert kh2 into my computer?