alright good,cause i wouldn't want to blow the bombs i placed on all of the chairs in here. *signs paper* now give me my friggin animals.
*throws bag of diss at your face*
your not going to have your animals kill me with their lazers once i sign this are you.
that's why we have high fives and hugs *high five fo joo*
this pen ain't going to exsplode is it.
diss for you for diss me for dissing you.
O_o >_> <_< very well. minion,bring out me lawn chair* *My minion brings my fav lawn chair out* thank you tiny.
they are among us
diss for eating to much chocolate.
if i sit down,you will kill me and you will never get your money.i keep it somewhere very hidden.
*diss with holy water and wooden stake*
DR.EVIL,my offer still stands for the kittens with lazer beams
a kiss for you RPYPO
why didn't you ask me to come.
is peanutbutter an instrument
*raises hand*..............................................................................
kiss for you,i hope my girlfriend don't mind it.
wins the interwebz and cherry pie.
maybe doesn't know how many times i have listened to the song today.