it takes alot more then this to get me buzzed.
*takes jar* thank yous:)
high five for you
*runs up to emma* did you say scotch
i kissed a girl-katy perry
*goes to kitchen and gets a coke* *goes to the theater and watches movie*
is reheheheheheheally wrong
i woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and yesterday.
axel or leaxaus for sure.they are my fav
huggles you.
is feeling cold
kiss for being on my buddy list. ^roxassomebody
kiss for being an awesome person
*pulls out lightsaber* *ignites lightsaber* *cuts hole in wall* you coming emma.
your right,i don't brick people. *throws coke bottle at emmax's head*
kiss to make you feel warm inside.
*throws brick at emmax*
you are. *jk*
i got my when fighting in a battle in mulans reaction command to this was,'wtf,i just went kyuubi sora,freaking sweet.'thin i go and die and i'm like 'wtf,this dude sucks.'