's the middle of the night and someone pressed our bell so hard that the ringing won't stop... gah!! it's so loud!!
well...i think not.... but i am not certain... time... i believe...that she has not quite gone yet... i think she's on a vacation...
could have guessed.... they don't show it any more?
ah...from chandler mostly right?
oh, um...i'm sorry sir...
what about your randomness sir?
ahh.... a lucky shot perhaps.... or the other way around... perhaps that's where you got your humour?
you mean you knew all the characters or songs or something like that sir?
i don't like james bond well.... i'l be jaws brother...claws....
i agree with you miss... sorry that i didn't get to know you enough...
understood ivanovich faytharski...
i have miss... however... you will come to learn that i also leave because of a friend... i'm sorry for not typing you in miss... i really am... but...i didn't see you so much... but you had cute posts anyway... me sweetie...? that's um... quite cute.... but it doesn't fit me.... people tend to learn...
alright then sir fayt!
nope...don't be.... i'm sorry...
sir rob.... was nice of you but i'm still right hehe... and sir fayt-harwind... no...i do not...
well.... when my miss gets here, she can give you a quiz about bunnies if you like! if you aswer enough question right you can become a bunny! the thread sir fayt-harkwind.../I]
there is a small explanation in the first page sir...
but miss.... i never meant to make you sad... like i say to many others... i say to you... ''i speak the truth'' but you...all of you mmake me warm inside...
ah... then youv'e seen how stupid it is huh...
goobye my friends it's called... hey um...sir... have you seen what? lately?