"Can you all just shut up and stop senselessly arguing!?" Annabelle shouted. "Look at yourselves! You're no better than the people we're meant to fight, which I might add aren't each other!" I mean really, if you argued anymore, we'd start a war amongst ourselves!" Annabelle threw her hands up in disgust and exited the tower, giving everyone a chance to simmer down. Ruby soon exited the changing room, looking different. Her hair was down, and she was wearing a red shirt with black pants and black boots. She had overheard everything. Ruby stormed up to Louvel, looking furious. "How... could you?" She gave him a loud smack across the face. "Leaving your little sister behind, especially with how fragile she was! You think you're a real man? then fight me!" She summoned her Keyblade, which had changed appearance to a more light look, to represent her transition from evil to good.
Aw, dude. Really hope things get better soon!
The rest of the Silent Realms' music is pretty good, I personally adore Din's the most.
I know, right? I really love this track!
Here is the song I would like to do: This is Halloween Thanks c:
These aren't all of my reserves, because I recall having more, but they're the ones I remember: Alexa Valerie Malva Lass Anna Bryony All from Pokemon X and Y
Natalie hurried behind Estelle and covered her with a blanket. "Shhhh... It'll be all okay. I promise Estelle." She took a look at Estelle and shook her head. She needed to take better care of herself. Natalie decided she'd check on her in the morning. Natalie went to her own room, and didn't change. She state in the same outfit. She sighed. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day if she and Estelle didn't mutually make up.
[/url] Outfit|*|Accessory|*|Location: Estelle's house|*|Music|*|Mood: ...|*|OOC: i got kicked off the computer, so no formatting, and all the short posts tonight. Natalie looked at Estelle. "Yeah well-" "That's enough." Vega interrupted. The older one gave a speech about it being okay to be upset and all, then said Natalie obviously didn't send that text 'Wait what? She thinks I sent that?' Natalie thought. Estelle then started shaking, and she went to lie on the couch. Natalie ran over to her, horribly worried. "Estelle... Are you sure you're okay?" What if it was the sickness going around? Would she make it? At all? The thought scared her to death. But she was still upset. Scared for Estelle, yes. But upset nontheless. "Just relax Estelle... But... Why did you think I sent that text? I wouldn't so something like that..."
[/url] Outfit|*|Accessory|*|Location: Estelle's house|*|Music|*|Mood: ...|*|OOC: Emo!Natalie Template go... "Cut the crap Nat. Come out here and look at me. Is this what you wanted?!" Natalie glanced up at Estelle with tears in her own eyes, and raised an eyebrow at her. "What the hell are you going on about? I didn't do anything..." She wiped her eyes and stood up. "Yes I'm upset, but I didn't throw a fit. Bianca asked what was going on, so I told her. I'm not happy about what happened, but I know you had something to do, so I just bottled it up and coped my own way." This was getting ridiculous. She hadn't done anything, and here Estelle was, accusing her of everything. "Besides that, I'm not jealous of her at all. She seems nice and all, so I just kinda let her be." She tugged at her own sleeve. It wasn't easy to act so calm, especially since she was so upset. She wanted to go home to Amelia and her brother, but knew Amelia would pry. When silence stood among them for a bit, Natalie looked at Estelle. "Well? Don't believe me? Still think I threw a hissy fit?" This was getting frustrating. Estelle didn't seem like she believed Natalie and was still trying to come up with an excuse.
You get a bike later.
Update I have a Mega Charizard X now
GSC are best games, of course you can join.
Got a full team consisting of Fletchinder, Pikachu, Absol, Combusken, Charmeleon, and Quilladin. We're headed to the second Gym, though I may replace Absol with Amaura for this Gym since the Ice type will do well with Grant's Tyrantrum. Really liking the choice of Pokemon, while immensely disliking it because I obtained an Eevee and don't know who to replace on my team. May end up teaching Charizard Fly and replacing Fletchinder.
Whitney paced about her bedroom, thinking of a way to cheer up Natalie. She didn't have Alex's number, and Natalie wouldn't give it to her if she asked, so inviting him here wasn't plausible... Estelle was off somewhere, and she likely had it but she wouldn't give it to her either... Wait... Estelle. Duh! The answer couldn't have hit her sooner? How stupid. She sighed and pulled out her own phone, then sent a message to Estelle: Aaaaaand sent. Hopefully Estelle would look at that and think about her foolish actions.
Pokemon X. This **** is so gooooood
It's funny because it's from The World Ends With You :'D
Well I got my copies of X and Y, starting X here soon.
Nate did you slip up in Pokemon-Amie?
Let me know too. I'd be glad to help, should Cat not be available.
>Implying I use him for competitions and care about how good a Pokemon is