Makoto Naegi: Super High School Level Good Luck
Reserving: Johanna AKA Dawn's mother (Pokemon D/P/Pt)
Annabelle looked in amazement at Ananata, who had told her to attack. "Well, um... are you sure? I mean... I'm not really... in armor like you are. Doesn't this seem a bit... one-sided?" Annabelle sighed and summoned her Keyblade anyway. She was gonna be trained by Ananta one way or another, it seemed. She gave a loud cry and charged at Ananta, ready to take whatever damage would be dealt out.
[/url] Outfit|*|Accessory|*|Location: With the twins--->lobby|*|Music|*|Mood: Meh|*|OOC: Upon arriving at the beach, Natalie quickly separated from her roommates. She didn't remotely care to be around anyone other than her Alex, Estelle (for a little) or Bianca and Whitney. She was positive her roommates didn't much like her either. She quickly changed into her beachwear and went to find Bianca, who she was on good terms with now. She had called Natalie and stayed on the phone with her for hours, talking to her so she could calm down. Yes, Bianca treated everyone except Whitney, Estelle, and now her like crap, but she wasn't that bad. She had shown that she was at the very least against what Estelle had done. When she got to where the twins and Estelle were staying, Natalie knocked and was greeted by Bianca. "Hey Bianca," she said, "You and Whitney want to come to the pool?" "Oh, sure. Sounds better than lying around here. Whitney and I just have to get our stuff in the bathroom. Why don't you go wait in the lobby?" Natalie nodded and made her way to the lobby, where she noticed Estelle sitting there. She casually walked by and sat in the chair next to her, wanting to be noticed so she could give Estelle an earful.
Reserving: Malva (Pokemon X/Y)
Y'all bitches stupid.
Yes. (Like I said, not a fight. Just large text.)
I'm sorry, I don't follow. Who needs saving? If I wanted a battle instead of random caps lock yelling, I'd have said it to someone else.
And Myst, you need to come tag battle with us.
I'm not gonna argue with something that's taught me most of what I know and has never been wrong thus far, especially when my other option is agreeing with some guy I barely even know that thinks he's always right.
And you asked why I was getting both versions.
Aaaaaaand after a very busy week, the winner is Miss Romani with her amazing rendition of Bob the Builder! Congratulations! Spoiler Nicely done Romani, yes. Very cute, I would say. Until next time! (Ladder will be updated later tonight)
Oh, the last part is 58, not 68
You also give Magmar.
Considering Red was beaten by Gold, Crystal, Lyra, the other champions (in Black 2 and White 2), and Nate/Rosa (white 2 and black 2), I doubt he's much better battle-wise.
Ash met God. I doubt he's worthy.
Because movies are just made to advertise the Legendaries. The only movies that I consider actually possible to have happened within the anime are the first movie, Mewtwo Returns, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, and Zoroark: Master of Illusions. All the other movies are too out there to be possible even within the anime