well normally I just fight Clayton to the point where the Stealth Snake is almost about to come out, then just before you think it will simply leave through where you entered. Then save in the tent and return to fight so that you can beat the Stealth Snake. It doesn't sound like much, but when fighting that particular heartless every hp counts. Plus you don't have to watch that "Clayton?! Not Clayton!!" cutscene every time you restart the battle (that is if you die here often) But this is only when fighting Clayton. Sorry if you thought I was talking about the Stealth Snake as well =/
you can leave the battle zone when fighting Clayton as well
I don't think the problem with Disney sequels is that they stink, the bigger dilemma is that they are forgettable. I honestly cant remember half the sequels that have been released or what on earth they were about. Thats why they fail in my opinion =/
What if Luxord came from Halloween Town? Cuz I mean him and the Oogie Boogie Man had a similar fighting style, what with the game playing and dice and all.
I kinda feel bad for Namine, I mean the Organization used her like such a tool not to mention she was being held captive by a bunch of strange men <.<
I think Sephiroth is a total bamf I mean he's got his own theme song and everything!
I fell off a table and landed on my face...I was two at the time and now I still have a thin scar on my lower lip... It looks like a lightening bolt <<
No prob, besides, it was my failure at this point that allowed me to wise up to the workings of the game.
yumm, dessert! but yea, I would bring.... ~camping gear ~solar panel ~computer ~TV ~ps2 (games included)
I picked Demyx because he is so nerve-wracking to battle yet always comes up with such funny quips
I only have two saved games.... #1 is my first play-through on proud mode #2 was my second play-through, which was on beginner.... remind me never to play in that mode again, no challenge whatsoever
basically at the time I hadn't yet learned how to customize Sora. So up until that point I had almost no abilities equipped and was still using the Kingdom Key. It's amazing I even got that far XD
exactly where I would head to as well
whenever I hear KH being seriously insulted I will admit I feel a little hurt. But for the most part the insults I hear are just so outrageous or silly that I cant help but laugh. I mean honestly, it's their own loss.
The first Riku battle took me at least three days to get passed (mostly due to the fact that I had not yet learned how to change around the abilities and keyblades to my advantage). Then I beat the second Riku battle on my first try. Most people I know had difficulty the other way around though.
I've been in school for a week now and already I have enjoyed the wonders of stress, drama, homework, blood, tears, then more stress and drama. Why oh my, isn't this a glorious time of year? :D
I read about it recently and now it's on my "to watch" list of anime, it sounds really interesting though so now I just need to find time to see it.
Vicinity of Obscenity by System of a Down..... haha, such randomness
Dodge Roll! I enjoyed watching Sora tumble around everywhere in the first game, it's such a shame it wasn't included in the second. But besides that I am hopeless in combat without scan.
JK Rowling and Meg Cabot, yea they basically own my soul.