omg Sanda, your face suddenly reminded me of this girl who was once on America's Next Top Model (I think her name was Britt), both your looks totally captivates the camera. ~~~ And here is another pic of me, (sorry it's kinda blury, I took it off my phone):
I only did three significant things during the summer ~ went to Connecticon (first anime convention!) ~ went to Old Saybrook, CT for a week ~ went to a Dave Matthews Band concert (first concert!) I honestly cant remember anything else
I Have an alternating day schedule: ~Day 1~ A: Latin III B: Concert Choir *lunch* C: American Citizenship D: Physics ~Day 2~ E: *free* F: Anatomy/Physiology G: P.E. *lunch* H: Creative Writing
Tsk Tsk, all Cloud ever wanted was to fit in....
I made my own once in KH, it was way hard core, lol
I went to Disney World when I was two >.< I really want to go back so that I can truly enjoy it
>>.... It's really mostly just Hip-Hop/R&B So yea, my fave from him is 'I'm N Luv (Wit a Stripper)' But of his more recent releases I really enjoy listening to 'Buy U a Drank' and 'Bartender' Their lyrics are really addicting
yea I like Miley Cyrus.... but I like her dad even more <<
thanks for posting those, I had only seen the Haley Joel Osment one before now heh, David Gallagher's interview was silly
Sora is such a sweetheart ^_^ Kairi is so very lucky to have him.
Pete, he is so dumb and annoying, drives me crazy >.<
I like to take bits of the lyrics and apply them as captions to pics I've taken of myself lol, more than half my myspace pics are composed of that XD
omg yes! Simple and Clean is my all time most favorite song, I <3 it very much ^_^
I sang some Hunchback of Notre Dame songs last year. They were....interesting << chorus class? I know some schools have Chorus or Choir classes and I was wondering if anyone here sang Disney songs in them? This Year my class singing a mixture of Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and a few others. I get so pumped just singing along to them, it's like being a kid again. What do you guys think?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was my fave, it's really where J.K. Rowling starts getting into the plot plus.... Hermione's hand + Draco's face = epic
I like the mangas better. They're easier to pick up and get into as opposed to anime where you have to find a screen to sit in front of in order to enjoy it. Nothing against anime though, I just have a difficulty finding a time and place to watch them.
I just watched it for the first time yesterday and spent most of the movie sitting there like this: *shakes head* No....just no.....XD lol, overall I thought it was a grand movie
I love sudoku! and I can complete the super disgustingly difficult ones as well. I highly recommend you write all the number possibilities into each of the empty boxes when you are stuck, sometimes thats the only way to get through a game wow, just thinking about it really makes me want to play *runs off to find favorite sudoku puzzle book*
Yes, the last Harry Potter book put me at peace with the series. Personally I could have done without the epilogue, but I am sure there were plenty of readers who highly enjoyed that bit.