Blah it's much too hot. And these kids are annoying. Yayness~ I can't wait :3 Things are so dead otherwise. ; ;
Huzzar!!! =DD I am happy :3c WE ISH EPIC TO THE MAX! xD
Onii-tan~! Though, I dunno if I'd really ask much questions. *hasn't been too active*
i have others things that are far more important than saving up for gaming systems. I have school to focus on more than anything and with me being...
She won't regret it :3 It's my favorite book. I must re-read it after this one. VIVA LA INSANITY FAMILIA! 8D
Awesome! I need to read more! The one I am reading is his most recent. But if you can, see if your mom has The Guardian. That one made me cry. ; ;...
Moshi: No. 1 thread killer since 2009 Tumblr! :/8D: Needs more Kagerou piccies! I'm... having the time of my liiiiife. And I owe it all to Watsume~ <33
Oh great! Which ones does she have? =DD Well, we are the Aerial Cereals after all :lolface: Momma Chex and Daughter Stars for breakfast justice!
It's a book by my favorite romance author Nicholad Sparks called The Best of Me Mine is angry and yours is adurable > o <
Yeah. I'm loving this book so far. It's kinda hard to put down >w< Oh hush~ yours is super kawaii~
Yeah but I'm a bit better now. Just reading. Your name looks wonderful btw. >w<
I own nothing but a psp which doesn't have much of a variety of games.
Keen- *shot* But I wasn't shipping. If I were to ship you, it'd be with Natsume~ xD
I have the gif to that. LOOK HOW KAWAII YOU ARE!!!
I need more piccies of him.
Hello to all~!
Yes, yes. Believe my lies! >=D Haha indeedy~ Mummy REALLY love her so- *shot again*
Nah it's fine. I have my moments haha. Nothing to worry about. D'aw that sounds so roman- *shot*