I see LP2P has turned into a huge chat about the new forum. ; ; I miss the old one very much. Most of all, I miss my view conversation. T^T But yeah, you guys I'm sure have pointed out all that is good or bad. So I won't contribute ; ;
I suppose but mine should just be kept to me. Yeah but, he needs to actually be online for me to ask him T^T It's about to be a month tomorrow....
Yeah but I really shouldn't be complaining, to be honest. I am not. >< There is no way I am. Haha yeah... hope you're right. I was thinking of...
Well no one makes much effort to show it then. I am not cute. ; ; I just really missing my Shushu like tons.
---------- 2. You're an amazing wee sister, always asking me how I am doing. That really means a lot to me. You're always kind and considerate and...
Tee-hee, you're funny :3c (Warning: Has just read a romance novel x3) 1. What would you do if I went away? 2. What is your idea of a dream date with the one you truly love? 3. What is your love's gender? xD 4. How much longer do you see yourself active on KHV? 5. Left or right? 6. Up or down? 7. I can has hugs? 8. Pick 4 members to have with you in a Zombie Apocalypse. Pick 5-10 more that will be part of the zombies. 9. What is your greatest belief in life? Like a motto you follow or something. 10. We be siblings 5eva, yes? :3
Oh but I do. I feel like the only one who really cares sometimes is Feenie. ; ; Yeah but I be a major worry wart @-@
I suppose but I honestly have nothng going for me otherwise... feel lonely. I have twice. I dun wanna seem like a pest or annoying.
I have this exact same quirk, to be honest. It's a bother sometimes because I just feel so raged when it's too loud or too low. Sometimes I may make an exception and use 28. But that's about it, if I'm desperate. Another one would be that that I can't stand to have two odd slices of bread when I make my sammich. I always need to have the same one that came out next to each other in the packages. I organize my plate and cup in a certain way when I sit down to eat. School related, I have to have my notebooks and pencils out in a certain way on my desk that feels most comfortable. Once I figure out a way, I never change it through the whole semester. When using mouthwash, I always measure it out exactly. When I type things out, I can't stand too many lines ending at the same length so close to one another. For example, I'm just writing this out so that perhaps you understand what I mean about the even lines. Yeah... just annoys me. I have many more but at the moment, I can not recall every single one but yes, so many things get to me than they should. Oh well.
I like to cook but I'm not too passionate about it as I once thought I was. Haha, I blame spending college in culinary classes that I don't find myself any good anymore. Though, there are certain dishes I enjoy making and others that I am dying to make. Like a meatloaf or beef wellington. More complicated things really. Meat-wise heh. But out of most things, the reason I want to try these sort of recipes is because I much more enjoy to bake over cooking. In the culinary world, we consider it this way: Cooking is an art and Baking is a science. I guess I'm much better with science since I much prefer the careful slow place and measurements. I find I don't have the passion or talent to just 'wing it' like others do. All in all, I say I am an okay cook and I would be willing to make many things, given that I had the motivation to do so. :P But baking is a for sure thing.
Yeah. I don't feel I have much of a reason to be there. During these passed few days, I have hardly come on the computer. I missing Spike tons ;...
Ohayo Onii-tan~! <3 This shall be fun. :3c 1. First Impression? 2. Current Impression? 3. Where did all the cookies go? 4. What happened to the awesomesauce? D= 5. What has your favorite theme in the time you've been on KHV? 6. Why you so awesome? ;D 7. Hershey Factory? =D 8. How long have you worn glasses? 9. NAME 5 RANDOM MEMBERS! 10. Did Forsaken turn you gay? ::L:
Oh no. ; ; My poor love. I shall keep you company! D=
Hello there, dear~ How are you? Ahahaha
Haha well damn. I wish you the best of luck in your school work! =D You make Mummy-in-law very proud that you're determined enough to focus and leave this major distraction behind. x3c But I'll miss you muchles! Hope you take care of yourself and that you do swimmingly on your schoolwork. Hope we do get to talk more because it's been fun >w< Especially with teasing our dear Adam. Hope the year dun take long~ See ya, Gato~!
That's adorable. <3 Hai gaiz.
Did I? I dun remembe leaving Skype for it. To be honest, I haven't been on much. :/ It's my pleasure <3~
Yeah I've be wanting to do it for a while. Haha thankies dear. I would talk to you too. <333333
I suppose. Finally convinced my friend of an rp idea. Yeah. ; ; Or just that no one likes talking to me.