Yay~! I look forward to it. Best of luck and be sure to always do your best! Loves you 5eva <3
I know you no want messages but I just wanted to give you some RDJ to keep you happy >< Enjoy....
Nah don't worry. You're not being rude or bossy. You're just motivated. No worries. *listens to song*
I guess I'm in if I have nothing to do. Mum always has a way from keeping me from the laptop.
I am still blank. ; ; It's hard for me to get feels for songs really.
Sexy indeed but you're not my boss xD I am a Demon after all.
Ohai dere, Lelouch xD
Oh great, too bad most of my family is offline atm xD
Oh hey, looks like it's kuroshitsuji once again~! Yayness~
I just showed Feenie that B| This be so much bs. Bad new site. I'm still in the hopes that this is just a horrible dream that I have yet to wake from ; ;
Haruka took in a long breath, feeling the scent on the lake wash through his nostrils as he laid back against the grass. It was times like this were he felt much at peace regardless of all the hardship his life had brought upon him during the years after being orphaned along with his sister. He closed his eyes for a moment, turning slowing onto his side as the last of the suns rays hit his skin. The heat was always kind to him and he loved the simple warmth that remained as the sun set. He opened his eyes, looking out into the horizon and seeing the sun had more than halfway disappeared. 'We should be getting home soon.' Letting out a sigh, he sat up, looking back to his sister who sat against one of the trees. "Oi, Sora. I think it's time we got home. It's not good if we stay out here too long. Who knows who could be lurking around here at night." Sora held her bunny close to her, her face annoyed by the fact that they had to end the training early with her illness kicking in at the worse time. It had become more of a bother than it normally was and she didn't know how much longer she could take it interfering with important matters such and building up her strength. Eventually, she turned to look back at Haruka, glaring just a bit at him comment. "What? Do you believe we are not strong enough to defend ourselves against a few thugs looking to pick a fight? We've dealt with much stronger foes than the ones lounging about here." She looked at him more intently, squeezing her bunny against her body. "Or is it that you believe me to be a weak link just because my body failed me for a moment?" "That's not it at all. Stay calm." Haruka sighed, placing his hand to his forehead in disbelief at his sister's jump to conclusions. "I just thought it seemed nice to get home early for once and enjoy a nice dinner. It's been a while since we've both had a good meal." He did his best to assure her of this, not being sure that he could handle another argument tonight, mostly with her bickering on and him just listening before she stormed into her room. "What do you say?" "I say we wouldn't have to feel so weak if you allowed us to drink human blood once in a while rather than that wretched animal blood you keep forcing." Sora replied bluntly, turning away from him and relaxing herself. However, she remained alert of her surroundings, being sure no one tried to sneak attack them like they have tried before. "Enough with that. You're not feeding off a human so just drop it already." Haruka stood up, cleaning himself off and walking over to her. He stared down at her for a moment, examining her before extending his hand out. "Come on. It'll be getting cold soon. You wouldn't want to get more ill now." That hit a nerve for Sora but she let it slide, slapping his hand away and getting up on her own. "Fine. We'll go." Without another word, she began walking away, making her way back to the road that lead to home. However, a small blush appeared on her otherwise pouty face, as the last of the sun disappeared. Haruka watched her before smiling, shaking his head and giving out a small chuckle. 'I don't know what I'm going to do with her sometimes.' He soon followed after her, feeling glad to finally be able to make it home for a real meal, that of course he would have to prepare. But nonetheless, he was happy and with his sister, the only thing that mattered to him.
Indeed it is. You're welcome.
Bloodlust Name: Haruka Kasugano Age: 17 ~Gender~: Male ~Location~: City Above the Sea Appearance: http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/images/yosuganosora/Haruka_Kasugano.png Ability: Body temperature increases to heat one's own body rapidly Sister: Sora Kasugano Exertion: His limits come to his body beginning to burn his skin. If unable to control his temperature, the heat will eat away at his flesh until death. Side: Good Personality: Personable and honest, he forges lasting friendships with remarkable ease. He has a tendency to dote on his sister and worry about her constantly. Bio: He has taken responsibility for his young, ill sister from a very young age. Though they have struggle much in the course of their lives, he has a sense of goodness to the world and has trained hisself and sister to protect themselves from the harmful creatures in the world. Weapon: Single sword and throwing needles Name: Sora Kasugano Age: 17 ~Gender~: Female ~Location~: City Above the Sea Appearance: http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/images/yosuganosora/Sora_Kasugano.png Ability: Body temperature decreases to cool one's own body rapidly Brother: Haruka Kasugano Exertion: As her body gets colder, it slowly begins to freeze her both on the inside and outside. If uncontrolled, she could freeze into ice and die. Side: Good Personality: She is a quiet, fragile and reclusive girl. Yet beneath her angelic doll-like appearance lies a troublesome personality that’s prone to laziness and shows a severe lack of social graces. In all honesty, Sora doesn't care for anyone else. She is often seen carrying a rabbit doll Bio: Unlike her brother, and because of her illness and weakened body, she has come to view the world as cruel and has a harsh outlook on it. However, as long as she is with her brother, she is calmed and pleased no matter what they face. Weapon: Bow+Arrows and throwing needles Coming soon: Bloodlust triplet
Sorry to be a bother but I wanted to mention that I am already doing the solo for 9 on KHV Chorus for Connect just in case you hadn't notice.
I would like 1, 3, 9, 14, 23, 46 「1」Every time I stop and stumble in doubt and darkness 「3」 We made a vow, a promise, To carry onward, 「9」[And the strength you shared helped me to rise and stand.] 「14」There's no doubt that Could dare hold me back. 「23」 The years go by while friends fade further day by day. 「46」 { ♥ } I'll fight onward And see you again, my friend.
Why you so dead? B|
You know you love me~
Facepo- *shot*
Let's see how annoying this is.