I'm not going to show you mah boobs =P
*gives boobs* NAO SHARE WHAT BOOOB YOU HAS! @~e
Boobs? I want boobs? Who's boobs we talking about? Why easy access? She some whore?!! D:< Who's boobs are you grabbing!?
You guys missed out on some boobs. And Chris' hot buns. But those are mine >.>
Join in the club then, Haya. We is all about butts and boobs.
Of course no! D= Your boobs will be nothing of not attached to you. ; ; Oh yay! I promise I shall be extra super good :3
I only wish to hold them in my hands for a moment ; ;
Yes you may, my sweet. Have at them for being nice enough to offer dat ass to me <3 @Midny: But sharing is caring! D:
No ones wants my boobs. They be bad boobs haha xD
Can I has your boobs, Midny? :3c
Everyone know Adam love them big~ Mami boobs that he not longer has because he prefers SPDude :3c So now the boobs belong to me.
Haha Chriiiiiis why you let this die? xD We ish supposed to be taking over this thread.
You should be very afraid >3 Kesese~ Yes they are indeed. And they be soft. In all sizes~ I love to poke at mine for some reason @_@
And more sexy talk than just ass. :3 Let's move onto another topic people like. Boobs.
What's so mature about the conversations that's going on in here? =o
It seems GS wants to join in on the ass chat~ *squeezes Chris' buns in the meantime* So soooooft yet firm.
Bend over and allow my lovely Danu to invade your vital regions as she pleases~
It's a hat that is well worth a soul I must say. You are my puppet. Do as you Master commands~
I am 100% for it :3c Especially after viewing the film. Did you want to see it, Danu?