;-; but all my posts are of cats and nebulas
i like tumblr because i am hipster
I have eight classes. halp
o: how far away from nyc are you? oh. but i am good. the hurricane didn't hit me at alll, because i went home for the weekend.
Holocene by Bon Iver
I'm living in NYC for the next to years ;o
where do you live?!
Spoiler i just got my laptop today and i've spent the last three hours trying to make me desktop look pretty
I want option 3. I want to be given countless orgasms by jace wayland
banned for having colors in their sig that hurt my eyes
I just wanna slap it. ;) Oh. So do you ever find out who sent it? :o
ive seen it like once on webcam as well! and the picture where you're inside a cupboard or stove or something in your cook's uniform. sexy i just...
>:O I had to leave NYC because my campus is part of the flood zones ;-; But it's cool, classes were cancelled for Monday <3
yes! and now we're not even Facebook friends, i believe! i can't even creep your cute norwegian ass
lol awww! it's so pretty here <3
The beautiful New York City :*
Remember how close we used to be?!
I am lonely in my dorm room and all my friends are at financial aid and work-study meetings and i'm so sad )':
You have been such a dick to me lately. ;-;