Hi there favorite Norwegian boy. <3
i added you :3 and i was right on my email address for msn. but oh god. what happened to msn? lol. it's so big. and terribly confusing.
my retainer.. worst thing ever created
you make me swoon. ._. i do have msn. or i used to, until i got a laptop, so now i am sitting here downloading it. i believe it's...
oh wow. that would probably be the most lovely thing. <3
oh. i swear it is 20 degrees in my room ):
i tried to make it like..a sexual innuendo? but it really did not work out well at all. please tell me it is freezing where you are as well.
i would love to wear you. that sounded terrible, i apologize.
i went shopping today and cried when i saw the terrible sales we have in america the day after christmas
You're cute.
I got clothes. :x Lots of cute clothes. And now I get to go shopping for more clothes.
i am repeating this over and over again. oh god. this was so good. really great job!
it was decent. it could have been better, but i got quite a few cute things. how was yours, handsome?
you cannot tell who is being sincere through the internet!
it hasn't snowed here since the weekend before halloween. w t f
shake it out by florence + the machine
if you were being serious, i would have just melted.
I've heard so many mixed reviews about it, but mostly because they're from people I play WoW with, so even if it was a good game, they wouldn't tell me. I'm actually hoping my dad decides to buy the game so that I could steal it from him. I'm hoping that Diablo comes out soon since I got it for free, but who knowsss. ;-;
this seems too complicated. can't i just kidnap you and keep you forever?
i like booty