Why are you in the US, if you don't mind me asking? We should have switched spots. You could have gone to a bad smelling state and I could have...
I have wanted to go to Norway for a long time now, so yes, you are extremely special because you're Norwegian.
You are Norwegian. |: Why have we not spoken before?
Spoiler my god i am just so hipster, it hurts. i actually only posted this to show off my cute shoes. LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE. i'm just wearing them around the house because i think they are so adorable.
Were the profile colors turned off for all skins? Because I was using the khv4.0v2 skin and profiles looked like they had the Lite skin to them. I didn't have any customization. :'c Or was this stated somewhere else and I am just completely blind to the answer?
it's not even that girls spend too much when shopping by buying things they don't need. i was implying that when there is a sale going on, you buy a bunch of things because they're cheap, and you don't think about the cost when they're all added up, and when they are added together, the price is probably more than you would have spent if they weren't on sale. but i guess you get more out of it, so idek.
anyone with a british/french/australian/norwegian accent yeah, i just don't even care who you are. if you have one of those accents, i'll melt because you have the sexiest voice ever
my hands hurt just watching it
i will stand there and watch you burnnn but that's okay because you like the way it hurtss
i like to pretend i am brand new's number one fan :'x
stop bragging you hoe )':<
i just can't even make decent threads anymore so w/e
when you end up spending more than you would if there was no sale going on.
i want snow, give it to me
i'd tell you to follow me, but my tumblr consists of world of warcraft and the tudors and a few other things i see when a refresh tumblr
you are so adorable. i used to stalk your tumblr like mad. *-* but really! you are one of the cutest people on this site. be my interwebz girlfran <3 ;)
i wonder if other people do this ;-; my god i'm probably disliked by the majority of this site
i have been attacked by the tudors and i cannot stop looking
i was hoping for an actual real life troll someone dress up as one and take pictures for me?
this is why you hit the "what's new" button