"Then again mabye I should check out Ilianam for a better carrying bag for Eura" He said as he watered Eura. He petted her leaf, then put her back in his holder. He then started off to the end of the woods.
awwwwww, to bad.
*raises hand* MEEE!!!!!
He found a branch to sit on, and then he grabed a leaf from the tree, and molded it to form a bowl. He filled it with water. Then he got a cork, put it in the water, and then put a pin on it. "Oh so its that way" Eve said as he swung down on a vine. OCC: pezz is the greatest.
I was just joking.
Eve, a dark skinned Cynical woke up on a tree in the forest of orin. He looked around for his potted plant and began to panic. " Eura? Eura?! Where are you?" Eve said. He then saw a monkey in a tree about 500 feet away with his plant. "Oh, its on now." he whispered under his breath. He reached to the side of his green leather pants for his slingshot, but then relized the Eura might fall if he did that. Of course I will just mold the vine right by that tree. And in moments the monkey was wrapped in a vine, while the trees passed Eura to Eve. Eve hugged Eura, and then put her on his back holder. "Now lets see where is Faeyland?" he said as he climbed the tree.
So he's still hot.
Is Kairi hot? No he is just very emo.
Of course he is a boy, a hot, skinny boy! Don't you just love that hair he has, mmmm.
OOC: Can someone give me the whos, the whats,wheres, whens, and whys?
JedininjaZC Name (full)-Eärendur Eve Vardamir (just call me Eve if you want) Race-Cylian Powers (if any)-molds plants Age-475, or in elf years he is almost 20 years old. Gender-male Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral) nature Weapon (if any) – sling shot. Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Zuunj was born in the forest of Tephaine. His parents died in a wildfire when he was 250 years old. He was then put up for adoption, and was adopted by Terra Swine: a Biology teacher at the local College. At the age of 430 he attended the local college to hone his morphing skills. Zunnj is now on a mission to further hone his abilitys by traveling the world, to keep himself safe it is necessary for him to carry a part of nature with him. He must not return to his home till his plant is happy, and grown up. Appearance- or http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff167/JedininjaZC/c28d183.png Are we waiting for somthing?!
Bannana! :p
Yup, I am sure.
Yes, I am a male. Are you intrested?
yeah! Nope....
Entertain me someone please!
This guy keeps following me, and I am really diggin it. It yummy For your piggy banks tummy!
Why wouldn't you want a Golden Bannana?