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  1. JedininjaZC
    Do you mean that the seperation has little to do on Gay marriage in the world?
    Or do you mean that the seperation has little to do with Gay marriage in the United States?
    If you mean the United states could you please explain what you mean?
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. JedininjaZC
    Avatar: 8/10 lol
    Signatue: 7/10 Priceless
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  3. JedininjaZC
    After hours of swinging, and running Eve proceeded cautiously to the edge of the lake (Lake Riverae). He looked to the west, and then he looked to the east, and a hundred feet to t the east he saw something that just about killed him. The forest Faeyland was gone; all that remained was the black scar the murders had left after burning it to the ground.
    “No, no. It… it can’t be true! How? Who? Who could have burnt down the whole forest?!".
    He fell down straight to his knees, not only did the lack of nature disturb his body, but it also brought back horrible memories of seeing his parents being burned in a forest fire.
    The image of his mom and dads burning corpse have haunted him to this day. He remembered the screaming and the horror of how his town was burned to the ground, all of his family and friends he knew died that day.
    Eärendur Eve Vardamir is the last living relative of the Vardamir bloodline; which by the way is the main branch of the plant molders, making Eve a Prince.

    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. JedininjaZC
    He went to the strawberries and inspected them before taking a bite.
    "Mmmmmm, good stuff!" Eve said as he grabbed a hand full of them, and put them in a small leather bag. "This should last me till I get to the lake" he said as he climbed back up the tree.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. JedininjaZC
    Eve's stomach started to growl, and he looked around for something edible.
    Eve spotted a patch of wild strawberries up ahead, and he swung towards it.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. JedininjaZC
    Don't worry Eura, the lake should only be a hour or two away.
    Eve thought while swinging from vine to vine.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. JedininjaZC
    "To the south to the south....." Eve said looking at his compass. "So its that way." He said to himself.
    Now what can I do to... ah of course.
    Eve then climbed up a tree, and started swinging from vine to vine.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. JedininjaZC
    OCC: Lake to the??
    BIC: "Thanks!" Eve announced.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. JedininjaZC
    "And since this is my first time outside of home, I was wondering if you could help me get there." Eve said
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. JedininjaZC
  11. JedininjaZC
    Profile Post

    lol, I see.

    lol, I see.
    Profile Post by JedininjaZC for Snow Princess, Jun 11, 2009
  12. JedininjaZC

    OCC: Who is Nas? You have two people with you?
    BIC: Keep your cool Eve "I am Eärendur Eve Vardamir from the forest of Tephaine," He said courteously. "and on my way to Nentrion to pick up some more water for my plant Eura" he explained.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. JedininjaZC
  14. JedininjaZC
    Profile Post

    Wake up please!

    Wake up please!
    Profile Post by JedininjaZC for Pezz, Jun 11, 2009
  15. JedininjaZC
  16. JedininjaZC
    Is he asleep, or somthing?
    Profile Post by JedininjaZC for Snow Princess, Jun 11, 2009
  17. JedininjaZC
    Eve stopped and took a short breath
    "Yes, umm. Would you two be happening to be heading to Nentrion?" he said with a friendly smile.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. JedininjaZC
    Occ: Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:d :d :d :d lol lol
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. JedininjaZC

    So 'What?'

    What are you talking about? Your avatar is beautifal!

    Hmmm, I never had that happen to me. Then again I am just a hand.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. JedininjaZC

    So 'What?'

    whatever. ___________
    Talk to the hand.
    "Hey, so how is it going?" said Lefty.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone