Rofl Well I wish good luck on that triple M. Have fun. lol
Oh, because if you were joking I probably would be gulluble enough to believe you. A spritual awakenig? Sounds deep! Do have to fast while on this journey?
....... This isn't some type of practical joke is it triple M?
Good to meet you Hopper, and welcome aboard khvids! If you have any questions about this site you can ask me, or one of the premiums. I am not a premium myshelf, but I don't have anything better to do, lol.
oyg he asked!!!!!
JedininjaZC: june 21, 0001 thats right I am 2008 years old :D jk 1992
JedininjaZC is the only name I have ever used, and I like it.
:gunwtf: _____________________ kj!ouy kcuf_______
atraps si mom ruoy
This is maddness!!!!
Why is it everytime I leave Khvids all the people I know have to change names?:yelling:
GO AWAY! *pepper sprays* LOL I have the right to defend myself.
Yeah you better run!