Sasha kissed him back, lettig out sharp breaths into his mouth. She started to fumble around with her lower half of her clothes, trying to take them off with difficulty as Zee pinned her while he's on top.
Sasha wondered what hair had to do, but it was better to stay quiet. She traced circled on his back with her fingers.
Sasha started to breath harder as he moved down to her chest. She removed the rest of her top and grabbed Zee's hair.
Sasha let out a small groan of pleasure. She started to pull off Zee's shirt.
Sasha kissed him back, pulled him on top of her.
Sasha smiled. It's alright. I like it when I see people caring for others. She brushed her hair. I do think though that you should be caring someone else right now. She sat on his bed.
Sasha kissed him every now and then.
Sasha grinned. We could use some privacy.
Sasha continued kissing him, her hands sliding around him.
Mya kissed him back hard as well, running her hands down his back. Sasha kissed him back, slipping her arms around his neck.
Mya kissed him back, putting passion in her kiss. Sasha smiled. I don't mind. Makes the experience more fun right.
Mya smirked. Sacrafices has to be made right? She nuzzled his chest. Sasha pushed the papers aside. No talking about this stuff. She kissed Zee.
Mya purred happily. Just to be sure you know. She ran her fingers down his side. Sasha scratched her arm. You know...research.
Mya smiled. It's worth it though right? She kissed him deeply. Sasha groaned and opened her eyes. She then bolted up. Zee! I'm terribly sorry for sleeping on duty!
Nothing much.
Mya giggled. It's the afternoon silly. She purred and nuzzled his neck. Sasha was still fast asleep on the desk.
OOC: Gosh you gotta learn soon DX
Mya woke up. Judging by outside, it was late afternoon. She tried to move, but was stuck under Zane. She shrugged and laid there.
Mya nodded reluctantly and looked around. Her horse apparantly ran off during the attack and sighed. I'm not cut out for this. She started to follow Alec, full of dissapointment and shame. I tried my hardest. If this is the result, nothing will come out no matter how hard I try.
Sasha narrowed her eyes and looked around. I don't know. Stupid girl! Why didn't she quit when she had the chance? She examined the area Liv was. Mya smiled and tugged Dementrio towards the lake.