Mya tossed her clothes inside and stepped into the warm water. It felt so soothing on her filthy body. She sighed in relief and dozed off to sleep. Sasha eventually fell asleep in her room after a long time of pondering. OOC: GOODNIGHT :D
Mya came into the villa, panting like crazy. She spent hours on trainig only to get scolded. Her clothes were drenched as if she jumped into a lake. She headed to her room, grateful that she had a bath of her own. Sasha ripped apart her papers furiously. She spent hours on a formula that was defective. She needed a component that was unknown. She headed to her room, hopefully to cool off her mind.
Mya pulled on her clothes and headed for the other training arena, located on the other side of the villa. Sasha woke up and yawned. Knowing that Zee was training, Sasha headed to her room.
Sasha swiped her hand and the flames diminished. That's enough. If I continued, someone could die. Anyways, beautiful job. I'm glad you got this far. Take a break. She pulled a switch and they were back in the dining hall. Please eat and satisfy yourselves.
OOC: Why thank you :3 BIC: Mya knew that Alec was still thinking about Elaina. It saddened her too, but she didn't want it to bring it up. Alec... She sighed and continued riding.
Mya laughed and purred. Don't make me leave this room. I'd hate to leave. Sasha turned in her sleep and hugged her pillow.
Mya started at the staff. Ok I'll try. She tapped it on the ground and thought of her horse. Sure enough, her horse galloped towards her. It was a little startled, but fine. Mya sighed in relief and jumped onto her horse. If we're to survive this trip, I need to learn the techniques of this staff quickly. This whole journey is in jeporady because of our fatal mistake. She tapped her horse and it trudged along, following Alec.
Mya smiled and kissed him back. Try not to kill him alright? Sasha was still in a deep sleep, sighing happily.
Lol u PM a lot
Mya slowly stroked his backside. I don't care what you do. I just want you to be happy. She drifted off to sleep, safe in his arms.
Mya smiled. You sure you don't want to go for round 4? She laughed and lightly nuzzled his chest. I'm kidding. You have important things to do.
Mya shook her head. It's nothing. Don't worry. She threw off her robe and hugged Zane, enjoying his warmth more than the robe.
OOC: It's alright. :P BIC: Mya smiled. Hot eh? I see what you did there. She wrapped her legs around him. Feeling any warmer now?
Mya frowned. Show off. She swam over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. But I still have fun though.
Mya followed them and really didn't say much. All she knew was that they were all in danger and time was short. If they destroyed Cocoon, eveything will be a lost cause. She just listened for something intresting to happen.
Mya sighed. I dunno. I just can't sleep. She shivered from the cold and wrapped a robe around her.
Mya laughed. You're so slow Dementrio! She jumped into the lake, splashing Dementrio. Sasha looked at Rita, her eyes dark red. Infinite universe, hear my call! Send forth your wrath upon thy oppressors. Show no mercy! Fire Rain! Giant fireballs the size of a house appeared and continuosly smashed into Rita.
Sasha turned around and sighed. You really do know how to screw someone over right? She shook her head. Anyways, back to you Rita. Hark saw smoke and headed for it. He saw Leyna eating her food. He slowly crept up to her and then tackled her to the ground.
Mya quietly got out of bed and looked out the window. she examined the stars, her dream still fresh in her mind Sasha smiled and kissed Zee. Goodnight. She fell asleep in his arms. OOC: Night! :3
Mya was awake, but didn't want to wake. She knew it was around the middle of the night. The last thing she wanted was to annoy Zane. So she laid there, listening to Zane sleep. Sasha let ot a sigh of pleasure. Her stomach was one of her senserive spots and touching it made her feel good and content.