Nope... this is more like how I feel or...
*stops walking*........ Whats that mean.....?
*puts sword back in and walks away* I'm tired..... Maybe tomorow.....
Listening to the way I feel......
Ax- *points sword at nons neck behind her* Was it now? .......
Then I guess I am...........
....... Hmmm I'll find out see you when I do.... *looks away and is gone*
Then what am I......?
Then I'ld love you again.... You were my dark queen.
Hmmm .... Then the love comes back.....
Depend does it seem that way.........?
Yeah it seems.............
Dekras- Have something? You went to the good side *quickly turns around and elbos NoN sending her fling*
Dekras-*apears infront of NoN and takes he gun* Ohhh no bad girl *puts it right to her forhead and shoot and watches her fall then snaps and ax is ok and is gone* Ax-Haha
15......... why? And whats monotone?........
*holds bullet wound* Ha... Ha *lets go and is healed*
I'm 82.......
Thats great news.....
Pft... *teleports up and kicks cr to the ground and smashes your head*