Ohhhh thats freaky.... 0.0
Yup .
Thats bad really bad why would he hurt you?
Bored how are you?
Same I feel like Duality the People = Sh*t both by slipknot... Whats wrong with you....?
Nuding joo?
Hey there how are you.......
Yeah I feel your pain me to....
Good angry as heck you?
There done and done!!
Hey .
You know what Dman I don't care what you say it's meaningless noone cares what you say your just a baby waa waa people talk about me waa. You act like a care aout you at all or if you like me (as a friend) Or not I could care less about you or anything that happend to you. And so what if I'm mad when you talk to me... I F*CKING HATE YOU!!!!!! Don't you get tht damn your slow. I don't care about your meaningless opnion or what you think about me your just a stupid b*itch. No I wouldn't be affected I'm angry because. Man, whatever you could die tomorow or never come back I could care less I would actually be haPPy that your gone your just a *****. I HATE YOU!!!
Watch me school that stupid c*ck sucking b*tch
Beat me up? What how? I don't even know him in real life.
Yes yes she didn't date me halirous....
I'm not scared......
Ok bye girls cuzin person
Yeah.... Halrious.... Ok goodnight bye Miss.Cuzin
I'm sure I'll wake up tomorow *keeps walking away*