Nope, just the character L from DN :)
Nothing much. and yes, me and Aqua are talking about L from DN
Very and so oh so gorgeous!! XD
I am L <3 *looks as Ryuk* I was talking to that absent-headed blond over there, who keeps consisting that she and Light will be happily married and raise a family. I beg your pardon Misa, *hisses* I dont think that Light likes b!tchy females such as your self. *smiles his cute little L smile* <3
Very and rough xD lol,
Annah- *sighs* Sure. Enlighten me. Izabella- This task wont be so easy. Only the best of the best beat these guys. They are not dummies and they have had years and years or training. I need to see where you stand now. I know for a fact you will not be able to take on these guys at first, but with practice, you'll be able to kill Link as if you were killing an ant. *continues walking* Be careful. I promise you, you will get injured.
Cant you see I am busy here? *bites a piece of his cake* I swear how does he put up with you? *mumbles*
Amy turned to see a woman before her. "Uh, w-well. . . " She stumbled. Its not that she was lost, it was just the fact that she wasnt really up for a party. Whereas, she eventually dragged herself along to get ready. Amy looked at this woman as if she had a bad hair day, or cussed at an elderly person. "I beg your pardon?" Amy asked, slightly shocked, yet slightly repulsed. "Whether or not of me being late, I dont find it in your interest to be concerned." Amyy spoke in her British accent, as to where she grew up until she was 16.
Very and "lovable" if you know what I mean ;D
Annah- Oh, thats cool? Izabella- Krystal, we have to train now. No time for other stuff, we cant get sidetracked, especially if you plan on taking on that Link character. *starts for the alley way*
Lol. Very and so hugglesables! XD
Amy approaches the Manor in a hurry, notices the time and realizes that she was late. 'Of course, thats the last thing I need in this town!' She thought, rushing up the pathway to the front doors. Amy examines her surroundings and swiftly glides through the front doors, trying to go unnoticed on her late arrival. 'Wow, this place is nice. I just hope nobody noticed my late arrival.' Amy walked around in the rooms the guests were occupying. This Manor seemed delicate and very well kept. Not a single dust particle was in sight. Although it made Amy suspicious at the 'perfectness' of the Manor, she dismissed the issue and tried to blend in.
Annah- *crosses arms* *to de doctah!* Leaving now?
*pushes her away with his hand* What?! Theres no need to yell (in unison xD) *continues eating his cake*
Annah- *thinks: OMFG!* Wow, why would someone make a statue of us? *not really interested* Izabella- Yea. Training. We lost a lot of time. *throws a tight black jacket on.* Its kind of chilly and we are practicing outside today.
Annah- *scoffs* Like I want to see this place in 2 years. .
Very and smexeh!! Lol I said that. So now it counts twice? O.o
A nuclear plant exploded sending tons or radiation into the air of a small city. No known humans were recorded alive. The city has been a ghost town and under all the trash and litter were 6 living people hiding away in buildings. They werent hidden for long. Scientists suspected living beings in these buildings and captured them under the clear night sky. The scientist known as Doctor Grauge, locked these 6 people away in a white concrete room. Only one door remained on the back left wall, always locked, and no way of getting out. One window remained at the very top center of the high raised ceiling. No way of climbing out. Doctor Grauge plans to expirement on the 6 people. Somehow these 6 individuals were exposed to radiation, and instead of dying, gained supernatural abilities. Doctor Grauge has drugged you and when you awake you have no known memories of what happened. Just when you start to realize something suspicious about yourself, the Doctor plans to kill you, as he says you are dangerous and unstable, he will take you into a seperate room apart from the others and kill you. Can you escape safetly and save yourself from your unfortunate fate? Female 1 Female 2 Female 3 Male 1 Male 2 Male 3 Character Template: Username: Charactername: Age: Gender: Picture url or discription: Supernatural ability: Rules: I am flexible on the rules. Basic RP rules apply. No Power Playing. Your not invinsible. Romance -if any- dont be so discriptive. If any questions or concerns PM me.
Yes and there have been many, many claims and evidence that all of the above are likely true. Whether God or ghosts are real is your opinion and thus, another person has their opinion. Its all based on what people believe in. Not proof or evidence. Although evidence is highly appreciated. Sorry for being off topic, I didnt get a chance to read this page.
Now whether God is real or not is based on religion. Not whether or not you have proof or not.