Uhm how? Thats Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides. Only the sexiest guy ever Dont read that. . .
Would you like to join my Death Note rpg?
Uh Huh
I'll wager on that. . . -.-
I love thunder storms. . . Just saying
Yea, but dont think that you have to join because I joined yours. But itd be great if youd joun, but you dont have to.
I didnt mean it like that. Its just gay people are way more fun and outgoing than most straight boys. Ive never had a bad day around Franklin xD I love that guy <3
No. It was just something dumb to see if anyone wanted to join. Did you really believe that story line was good enough to RP with over a certain...
I am L <3 No need. *laughs* I'm smart enough to handle it on my own.
Mk ^_^ There you go Misa!!! XD
Cans I have Axel?!?!?!?!
Uhuh, its weird seeing Link and Sora doing it too. I mean, my characters are OC's so, you dont know how they originally act.
Im feeling fine. Why?
So your gay?!?!? O.o Ohmehgawd! Your like more awesome to me now.. I la-la-la-love gay people!!! <3 Not to mention I have like 3-4 close gay friends <3
Yea, well, in the kh rpg alot of things are said and done that I cant picture any of the characters doing...
I am L <3 *is frusturated* No! No! No! Light never mentioned anything of the subject! Damn, you females are annoying! *pinches the bridge of his nose with this thumb an fore finger* Just let it go now Misa. *finishes his cake*
Hey. . . . .
How. ?
Amy reluctantly took the hand of Nagisa. "Amy. Nothing fancy or unique but quite original." Amy then crossed her arms and waited for her response. 'I really dont like people like this. Acting all goody-go-lucky in your face one moment, and then plunging your heart down the next.' Amy thought while looking around to see if there were a stange way out from talking to this woman. Still, deep inside, Amy felt a twinge of suspicion and refused to get in close contact with anybody.
I dont really care. I kinda dont go for the Im-mote-superiour-than-you-but-you-can-have-a-title-to-feel-more-special type of thing y'know.