Yea he is. But that- Yes, he is.
Yea, in some ways but other than that. Nope.
Yea, I figured it was my overactive imagination. Im like this superstitious junkie. Lol. I knew I saw him in my closet!
I would have believed you, if I didnt hear the same sh*t story from my father every 5 minutes. :)
Well thats funny, because I dont listen to One Direction. The only way I know that guy was merely thanks to google.
Sorry, I was just like making a stupid thread. I'm not particularly creative right now as I would be later on when Im actually awake.
Spoiler: Random Guy Or Spoiler: Harry Styles
Alright, well, for starters, I could explain the "Slenderman" theory. A couple weeks ago, my dads girlfriends oldest son(Robert) had told me about a supernatural being with a black suit, very lean and tall, with tentacles. At first, when he said that this apparition had tentacles, I was like 'Ha, yea right.' Since I was 7, when I moved out here, he is always known for trying to scare the heck out of me, but this time its different. I decided to get the scoop on the "Slenderman". I googled and used wikipedia, all said similar things. "A supernatural being with a black suit, long arms that can out stretch themselves, and uses tentacles to hypnotize its prey." That was enough information for me, and I kind of freaked. Even being scared to death so many times as a young one, I never felt as scared as I do now. Maybe only because it seems so real, the others fake as plastic. Thats not whats bothering me. Whats bothering me, is that ever since I have been researching this "Slenderman," I have been constantly waking up at 3:30 in the morning. I hear weird things at night. Whenever I see a tall guy in a suit, I nearly flip the hell out, and will literally start shaking-but I think thats just anxiety. I always feel like I am being watched or followed, and I cant help but think in the back of my mind, that someone is in the same room as me intently watching me. Maybe its just my overactive imagination, maybe its not. Can anyone explain why this is happening?
Who died and made you leader?? Huh? Lol I jush kiddehing ^_^ but no, seriously who did?
I skateboard alot (true story) I play zombies I listen to metal, screamo, rock -not sure if music counts as a trait- And Im into chains and brass knuckles and what not.
Well, a dog is a mans bestfriend. Soo, Im thinking a cat is a womans bestfriend.
O.o I-Im human! Ask me anything! -not like that lol- *dramatic effect*
But a fork can stab you and a spoon is just like oval O.o
But spoon are safer than forks O.o
Maybe, but whatever lol. Awe! So sorry about your jaw :/
Or something
Hours of energy now, no crash later!
I am also but YES! Atleast you agree lol
Uhm, slurping a slurpee from 7-Eleven at 12:45 in the morning lol xD
Oh, haha. That was all worked out. I talked to Makaze. He helped me out a lot actually. I just decided to talk to you because I dont think Sora...