"Aww...I lost." Kairi pouted. She laughed. "I haven't seen you smiling so much before, Riku. It's nice." OOC: I've gotta jet, guys. I'll post some more...once I suffer through school tomorrow. :/
Kairi tried to catch up with Riku. "Dang, you got fast. What were you guys doing when you were off the islands, weighlifting?" she teased as she finally caught up with Riku.
Kairi grinned. "Okay, I'll race you!" She took off towards the boats she usually used to go to the island.
OOC: You guys would have to ask *dancewaterdance* when she posts again tomorrow.
"Me too. Hey, wanna go out to the island?" Kairi was referring to the island where her, Sora, and Riku had grown up hanging out on. Peach blinked. "It was a fake? Or is it real?"
Kairi shrugged. "He's probably still sleeping, knowing him." She looked at him curiously. "So, how are you doing?"
Principal Lexaeus sighed and began the interagation. "What is it with the story and you people? The three of you seem like you're all giving me different stories."
Kairi smiled. "Hey, have you seen Sora?" "Apparently." Peach muttered. This keyblade sure was interesting.
OOC: I didn't miss much, did I? Kairi noticed Riku standing on the beach and walked up to him. "Hey Riku."
OOC: ...I seriously have no clue. :P The keyblade disappeared from Peach's hand. "..." OOC: I've gotta go for a little bit. I'll be back later. ^^
"...why do you want it?" Peach gave Bowser a suspicious glare.
OOC: *pats on the back* Aww...it's okay. Sure, you'll probably be on while I'm suffering through school, but I'll live. :P The note hit Namine in the leg. Bending down to pick it up, she looked it over. Okay, I'll ask for you. Don't worry. <3
OOC: Um...sure. ^^ Peach sighed, swinging her legs back and forth as she relaxed on a lawn chair.
Kairi woke up and yawned. She quickly did her hair and got dressed before setting off to look for Sora and Riku.
Curfew...hmm...I didn't even check. I could ask Mr. Vexen and say I want to know so I don't get in trouble. ;)
Namine smiled faintly as she read the note. Don't worry...I slipped the note under the door to your dorm. It should be safe. Can't wait to see you tonight. ;D
Larxene rolled her eyes and gave a pout. "Aww, is little Demyx scared of big, bad Larxene?" she mocked.
Hmm...seems interesting. Can I be Kairi? ^^
The note again hit Namine in the head. "He needs better aim..." Namine muttered as she read and replied. I hope you have fun with the whole losing your mind thing. Oh, and get better aim. Your airplanes keep whacking me in the head. :/
"Yes, what are you doing, Demyx?" Larxene gave him a dark glare.