Kairi smiled faintly. "Thank you...you don't know how much that means to me."
Kairi looked down, a little scared to look Roxas in the eye. "I...I didn't mean...I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted to get away for a while." Kairi muttered quietly.
Kairi's eyes widened for a moment. "Wha...what?" She had heard that Sora was dating Namine, but not that they were that serious...and that Roxas was determined to stop them. On one hand, she agreed with Roxas, but what if she broke Sora's heart by deciding to help him?
OOC: So, what'd I miss?
Kairi blinked tears out of her eyes and looked at Roxas. "Tell me what?"
Shocked, Kairi stared at Roxas for a moment, before running into his arms and breaking down. Happy and sad and confused and hurt...she didn't even know how to feel right now.
I a m s o b o r e d . . .
There was a flash of light as a keyblade appeared in the air. Kairi blinked. That's just ahead! She smiled excitedly, hoping that she wasn't imagining things, and took off towards the keyblade.
"Hi, Tidus. Hi, Wakka. Listen, I'm really busy right now. I'll talk to you guys later!" She ran off towards where she'd heard Roxas. "Where are you?" she asked back, hoping he heard her.
OOC: Laters. Namine's cell phone gave an annoying beep. She looked, noticing a new text. She curiously read it, saved the number to her phone in case he called later, and quickly replied. K. Call me later; we need to talk without being interupted.
Kairi blinked. She hadn't just walked into the clearing to see Roxas...had she? "Roxas?" she asked again.
Namine suddenly realized something and slapped her head in annoyance. She'd given Demyx her phone number, but she didn't have his....
"...I'm trying to settle something with Waterboy right now. Stay out of it, Marly." Larxene snapped. She took another swing of rum.
OOC: ....I thought you guys went out to dinner. Well, some of you guys did. :P Namine rolled her eyes and kicked the bed in annoyance. "Go stay in your dorm...they act like we're little kids."
Namine noticed Saix's discomfort. "It's okay. You'll survive school. Besides, hopefully Lexaeus won't always be principal." Namine rolled her eyes. "I'd better go. Not that I care as much." She quietly slipped a piece of paper in Demyx's bag and muttered, "It's my cell number. We still need to talk after all." She then took off to her dorm.
"And of all the luck, it's his favorite person in the world." Namine told Saix. She grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Kairi. What were you saying?
"Namine. Nice to meet you."
"...are they even aloud to do that?" Namine asked skeptically. Of course she had to go to the only school where the principal gave weird punishments.
Kairi blinked, stopping her search for Sora when she heard a familiar voice. '...Roxas?'
Namine picked up Demyx's last note, read through it, and sighed. Shrugging, she decided that the principal had forgotten about her. And apparently, Demyx was arguing with the principal again...