"Sounds interesting." Kairi replied.
Olette walked quietly down the hallway. She needed a break from her dorm...hopefully Vexen wouldn't catch her running around when everyone was supposed to be back in their dorm rooms.
Kairi smiled faintly. "I know. It just feels weird." Feeling a little bit less bummed, she asked, "I haven't been to Disney Castle yet. What's it like?"
Kairi looked back sadly. "I can't believe we're leaving our home..."
Kairi quickly followed the others onto the gummi ship, looking back at Axel quickly before turning to her friends.
Kairi rolled her eyes at Axel. "...this place is going to sink and you're worried about finishing some stupid job? Have fun with that..."
Kairi almost lost her balance as the island shook. "Can't you guys deal with this later? I think we've got a bigger problem!" She glared at Axel and Sora when she said this.
OOC: Heh...forgot. ^^; Kairi looked oddly at Mario. "Who are you?"
Kairi almost jumped in surprise. "They're a little preoccupied..." she told Axel, pointing at the genie and his annoying fiends.
"....I don't know if I should be more worried about the genie or the random plumber."
Kairi gave Axel an odd look. "Plumbers..." she muttered, unsure if she should laugh or not.
"...Axel?" Kairi blinked. She didn't really know what to think of Axel.
0.o ....*hides*
OOC: Okays. ^^ "Um...guys....I'm over here..." Kairi muttered.
OOC: Ah...shoot. I forgot about that. *waits*
OOC: Yay...someone's in my time zone. ^^ (LOL...shall we get back to the RP?)
Ooc: 6:14.
OOC: I guess he posts whenever I'm not on most of the time...I'm at school, which is usually where I am when I don't show up for hours and hours. *thinks* Are all of us even in similar timezones?
"...I think so." Kairi replied unsurely. "I just need to see Sora again."
Kairi smiled happily. "I'm glad to see you too." she replied. She frowned slightly. Roxas was happy to see her, but what would Namine and Riku and Sora... Sora. Sora was giving his heart away to Namine while she was here, hugging Roxas, who was planning to break Namine and Sora up. She was so confused now...what was she supposed to do?