Kairi laughed at Roxas' sandy appearance. "You might want to get the sand off yourself before you do anything." Seeing Roxas smile seemed so rare that it made her smile too.
*sits back and watches*
Lexaeus held up his hand to silence the two. "Miss Granger, are you honestly telling me the truth?" He looked her straight in the eye.
Kairi looked ready to say something, but stopped at Roxas' words. She was unsure what to think about this new piece of news. As she held the charm, the charm she had made for Sora, the charm that Sora had given back to her, she made a decision. "I'm with you, Roxas."
OOC: No one shall win the battle against authority! Huzzah! *is a little sugar high* "Yes, Miss Granger, I see the book. But witches can create spells, and summon objects, can they not?"
Namine shrugged and sighed when she realized she wasn't getting a reply, and picked up her phone. "Olette? Hi, it's me. Listen, do you know somewhere I could meet someone privately?" "The camera was actually a fluke, unless one of the staff decided to put a camera in there."
Lexaeus nodded. "Unlike Miss Granger, we may be able to hide cameras well, but we can't make them invisible. If we could, we would know everything that happened in this school."
Kairi looked at Roxas for a moment, unsure of what to do. "Roxas..." she quietly told him, putting her hands on his shoulders, "I could never understand." she told him softly. She understood how it felt to feel a heart break, but Roxas' world had shattered a lot worse than hers. "I could never understand." she repeated sadly, looking ahead.
"Would you happen to have a different story, Miss Granger?" Principal Lexaeus sighed. 'I get paid too little for this.'
The principal sighed and rubbed his head. "Oh course. Everytime something seems to happen, it involves you and Miss Granger. He sighed and leaned over to the intercom. "Will Miss Granger please come down to the office?"
Kairi blinked, looking oddly at Bass. This had to be the weirdest day of her life, not even counting all the weirdness that had already happened to her.
Kairi looked taken aback. "Of course I want Sora back, Roxas. I want everything to go back to normal. I want life to be exactly the same." She put a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
...dammit, someone took Namine. Hey, can I be Roxas?
OOC: Oh, that's right. You found the camera for him. So you can go down to the office if you'd like. ^^ *evil grin* I like this job now...mwahahaha... Namine winced at his message. Ow...that sucks. I'll see you around dinner, okay? Principal Lexaeus rubbed his head in annoyance. "What is this about destroying school proporty that I heard from Mr. Vexen?"
I just noticed the mood thing when I got back from school.
OOC: ...wait, why am I unfairly punishing someone again? :P Another text popped up and Namine looked at it, then thought for a second. Dinner's in about 15 minutes. How's the dorm sharing with your BFF going? :P
OOC: You're right, *dancewaterdance*, I am a girl. And I'll take Principal Lexaeus again...I think. I personally think I suck at playing authority figures though. :P
OOC: Kairi met up with Roxas...that's about it. And sadly, I have to go and won't be back until after school tomorrow. :/
"Can't you just leave us out of this?" Kairi asked darkly.
"Figures..." Kairi muttered. What Axel had said earlier had seemed too casual, like he had something planned for them later.